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I woke up wrapped in my favorite blanket and my laptop put away. Smiling to myself I roll out of my bunk and waltz over to the common area after throwing on a sweatshirt and shorts. "Well there's one half of the love birds." Will greets me, flipping him off in return, causing Caleb to laugh. "Oh hush, we barely know each other yet." Caleb shot me a look. "What? We literally just watched a movie." I shrug my shoulders as I made my coffee. "Well one day when you "watch" a movie, just make sure we're off the bus." Caleb dramatically explained with this hands, as the guys laughed while I whacked Caleb with a dish towel. "When am I meeting Mrs. Shomo?" I raise my eyebrow at him leaning against the small counter sipping my coffee. "I can see if she can come on a few dates." I nodded. "Good because I could really use another girl on this bus." I groan as I head back to my bunk, gathering clothes and head to the shower. "You love us!!" Caleb shouts from the other room.

Noah almost kissed me last night, but the comments and my own thoughts plagued me as I wash my hair.
She belongs in a zoo.
That one stung.

I decide on a simple grey t shirt a size too large, my dark demin skinny jeans and of course doc martins. Looking at my watch I realize we have two hours left until we hit Denver. I walk into the common area and plop onto the couch between Oshie and Zach. My screen on my phone lights up right before it's my turn in Mario Kart.

Noah: Come find me when we get to Denver.
Avery: Will do.
Noah: You doing okay today, beautiful?Avery: Yeah, I'm trying.

"Av, quit your blushing and take the sticks please!" Will poking at me. "Sorry!" Putting my phone down, continuing to blush knowing Noah wants to see me.

It was a short rest of the bus ride, playing video games with the guys to pass by the time. We arrived at Denver, immediately ready to get off this bus. I walked off the bus and the 60 degree air hits me. I start walking to the Bad Omens and as I went to knock, Noah met me at the door. Instead of inviting me inside, he walked outside and took his hand in mine, leading me to the green room.

Before I can do anything, he cups my face and puts his lips on mine. My stomach flipped and I immediately kiss him back. He kisses me gently, but with passion. As quickly as it started, it was over, but I didn't want it to be. "You're fucking beautiful." He whispers. I pulled him back in and connect our lips once more as he backs us into a counter, lifting me up. He trails his lips from mine, down my neck to my collarbone. I could not help but start to feel self conscious so I give him a subtle signal I didn't want to go any further. He slowly pulled away. "I've been wanting to do that from the moment I met you." All I can do is blush. He kisses my forehead and leaves the room, leaving me to comprehend what the fuck just happened.

After composing myself for a few moments, I head back outside the venue. "Where've you been?" Spencer asked walking up to me, smirking. "None of your damn business." I sang, walking past him. I found Noah again and we started to talk about random stuff. "What's your favorite movie?" He asks as we dangle our feet off of the stage at Red Rock Amphitheater, which is the most beautiful venue I have ever seen, and will be taking many photos. "Hmm..The Crow." "Favorite meal?"

"My favorite meal, sushi." He smiled. "Bucket list city?" As time goes on, it's easier for me to talk to Noah, starting with simple details of course. My heart feels less guarded the more I am around him, but I refuse to let the walls down so quickly. "What about you?" I grinned, waiting for my turn to grill him on all of his favorites. "I want to focus on you right now." I blushed.

Showtime comes quickly so I walk down the dark hallway to enter the green room. "There she is, the queen herself." Nadia announces as she walks up to me as I start preparing my camera for VIP and the show. I laugh and shake my head, eyes not leaving the camera. "There you go talking about yourself again, Nadia." I can feel her eye roll but she chooses to not push the subject. "Tell me everything." I give her a look of how did you know. "Spencer." She answers out loud. "God damnit, Spencer." I mumbled under my breath. "I'm going to murder your fiancé." Nadia amused, but waiting for the details. "It's not what you think. Spencer witnessed nothing by the way, I'm innocent. We kissed and that was it." She sighed, clearly satisfied. "Like a peck or like a kiss, kiss?" She pressed on. The blush creeps on my cheeks and that told her everything. She sang as she walks out of the room. I could tell she was getting ready to explode from excitement. I picked up my camera and left the room on my way to VIP.

White Noise // Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now