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What I would give to sleep my life away
I'd never feel alone again
And yet it's still the same when I'm dreaming
Cause at the end of the day it's just me in my own head

Caleb sang his heart into that mic. I connect with every single lyric, every single song and that helps me to get into my groove and take amazing photos. Maybe Brent is right, maybe this is what I am meant to do.

"Thank you and goodnight, we are Beartooth!"
I take a few more photos, mostly of the crowd and make my way backstage. "Great show guys!" I quickly hugged each of them. Caleb and I walk back to the green room so I can put away my camera and are met by Folio, Noah, and a few easier. "Hi." Noah flashed cheekily smile and me and my blush has returned.

"Oh my god, you guys really just need to get a fucking room." Folio pleaded causing a fit of laughter to erupt from the whole room. Noah wrapped me into his embrace and started rocking side to side. "You're just jealous because we are cute." My smile grew larger. Noah looked at me with mischievous grin and took my hand. "Alright, let's go!" Dragging me out of the room. "Noah you have a sh-" Noah cut me off by stealing a quick kiss in between his laughing fit and took me back into the green room.

We all head out backstage where Folio, Jolly, Noah and Ruffilo got ready to go on stage. I gave Noah two thumbs up and turn my attention to Nadia next to me. "My god he is so into you." I looked down at my shoes as my cheeks heated up. "Has he asked you out yet?" I shook my head. "Formally, no. This has been fun, and yes, I really like him, but I'm not sure what he wants." I couldn't help but be a little frustrated that we have not talked about what we are. "Talk to him. I know he wants you. Even when you're not around he still gushes over you. I can't imagine he'd turn you down. He'd be stupid to do that." I smiled and nodded as as I saw Spencer walk our way. "Who's stupid?" He asked, catching the last of Nadia's sentence. "You!" I poked him, getting an amused look from Nadia. "You look like a lost puppy when you pout..don't you need to go do warmups and be terrifying or something? We're trying to have girl talk." I smirked. "I'll have you know that I love girl talk. I just wanted to give wifey a kiss." I smiled, loving how cute they are together but raised my eyebrows. "Wifey. Wait you are married?" Spencer and Nadia laugh. "We like to keep people on their toes. The world may never know." I shook my head as they walked away, those two are never a dull moment to be around.

As I turned around I smacked into a girl and knocked her down. "Oh my god!" I gasped and so did everyone else around us. I felt awful. This poor girl I knocked down hit her head on the floor and is now slightly bleeding, and probably has a concussion.

Maybe if you weren't so fat this wouldn't have happened.

She's a beautiful petite girl with strawberry blonde hair, now partially stained with her own blood. Everyone was now surrounding her and she's still somewhat conscious, now accusing me of pushing her down. I started backing up and putting my hands to my face and tears started pouring as I tried to plead my case as the medics checked on her.

I could hear Noah saying thank you to the crowd. He'll come to my rescue and protect me. "Excuse me." I could see Noah with sheer panic on his face filing through the crowd, and then I realized he wasn't coming for me, he went to her.

He held her hand and asked her if she was okay and spoke with the medics. I don't know how we have a handful of people in a room, and not one person was paying attention to witness this. The medics told Noah that they want to evaluate her more at the hospital and Noah agreed to go with them, holding her hand, not even a glance at me. Out of the intense amount of embarrassment, I put my hood up and ran past the green room and out the door to our bus. Thank god we are staying in hotel rooms tonight. I grab all my shit and ran to the hotel as fast as I could and locked the door.

"FUCK!" I scream into my pillow. Who is this girl? Is this Noah's girlfriend that I'm unaware of? I heard a knock on the door. "Go away!" I yelled as I threw the pillow towards the door. "It's Patrick." I rolled my eyes. "Go away, Galante!"

"You know I'm not going to." I grunted and rolled off the bed to let him in. He didn't say anything but hug me and I broke down. He shut the door and sat me down on the bed and rubbed my back. "I did not push her, Pat." I sighed, trying to wipe away my tears. "I believe you."

He pulled me in closer. "I..I don't even know who that girl was..I didn't even know she was so close to me. If I was smaller I wouldn't have injured her like this." I set my head in my hands. "Hey, no talking like that, A. Size has nothing to do with this, you did nothing wrong." He comforted me.

"Pat? Could you stay with me until Shev gets here?" He nodded and shooed me to the other side of the bed. I snuggled into Patrick and watched some tv before I found myself drifting.

"Pat?" I sleepily ask. "Mhm?"

"Who is that girl anyway?" I could barely stay awake for his answer. "You should probably talk to Noah, sleepy girl."

White Noise // Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now