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Thank you for all of your continued support! 🫶🏼 This chapter is setting the stage for so much more.

Cloud nine is currently where my mind is at. It's 7 am and Spencer and I are meeting for coffee and taking a couple of photos at 8:30. My shower this morning is relaxing and having Noah back in my life slows down the chaos always impairing my mind.

  Over my loud music, I can hear yelling which alarmed me. I hoped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my torso, and a towel over my hair. I made my way out of the bathroom to find of course..Spencer in my hotel room hanging out with Noah..unannounced.

  Spencer looked up from his phone and flashed me a goofy grin, causing me to pinch the bridge of my nose. "May I ask what you are doing in my room?"

  "Nice outfit, but maybe a little risqué for a coffee shop." I rolled my eyes. "Spencer, you are an hour too early. You're lucky I love you. Give me 10 minutes." I shook my head and walked back into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

  "Well don't you look just beautiful." Noah appeared behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. I giggled, "Noah, stop. Spencer is right out there." He ignored my quiet pleas and lifted me up onto the bathroom counter, sending kisses down my jaw line and his hand creeping up my thigh, dangerously. "He'll never know." We both laughed together, as much as I wanted to, I broke free and he gave me a pouty lip. "Later." I whispered in his ear.

  "Ready?" I asked Spencer as I met him by the front door. "Are you guys done fucking?" He asked with a devious grin, which made my cheeks hot. "Fuck off, let's go." I blew Noah a kiss as I made my way out the door.

  - - -

  "So you had a very eventful night." Spencer teased as he brought the ceramic white coffee cup to his lips. "I did indeed." I smiled proudly. "So are you back on or was this a spur of the moment thing?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Spencer." I scolded him and he shot his arms up in defense. "I'm sorry okay, but it's a fair question."

  I sighed. "Back together, but we haven't talked much yet." Spencer smirked and I flicked his nose. "I love this. However, I did hear something interesting. Marcos said you tried to kiss him but he stopped you." I nearly spit out my latte.

  "He said what? Try the opposite, he wanted to kiss me. I'm going to kill him." I stood up, wanting to march out of this caffe right now, but Spencer stood in front of me. "Hey, hey, hey. First of all, leave me to the killings. Secondly, when you calm down later, just talk to him. Maybe it was a miss understanding or something. Or maybe I heard wrong. Let's go get some good photos, shall we?"

Spencer and I wrapped up our breakfast and grabbed our to go coffee cups and took a walk to scope out cool places to take photos. This day has been ridiculously fun, as good looking as Spencer is, he is like taking a 5 year old for pictures. Not listening. Where is Nadia when I need her?

"Spence, for the last fucking time. Just smile. We've taken a million menacingly looking pictures, which came out stellar by the way but would you just please stop making that same face." I grumbled.

"Fine, but I'm only smiling for you for like - 10 seconds." He grumbled right back at me. We were taking pictures infront of old insane asylum that still stands. "Beautiful!" I shouted when I got the final shot I wanted.

"Are we done?" He whined. "Yes, dear." I mocked. "Don't lose bets next time. But you have to admit, you had fun." I poked him as we sat down at a nearby bench to look at the unedited photos. "Holy shit, Avery. These are great."

"Thank you, thank you. I'm glad you lost
that mario kart bet, I'm stoked about these." We sat for a few more moments enjoying the April
air. "Spence, I think I'm going to quit the firm." He nodded. "And do what?" He smiled.

"Nadia gave me the suggestion to move out to California. It's a scary move but I'll be so close to everyone. I love Tennessee so much, but it's not going to feel like home anymore without this giant family I've built, and not working at the firm anymore.." He intently listened. Nervousness building after talking about the firm; Would this cause a larger riff between my father and I?

"I'm proud of you, Avery. You deserve the world. You deserve Noah and you deserve to do things that make you happy and not just get by. Our permanent photographer position is yours if you'd have it." His words literally brought me to tears as I embraced him in a hug. "What did Noah say? Is he excited?"

"I actually haven't told hi - Well I haven't told anyone yet." I softly smiled. "Spence, you are my best friend. You already know I'm your photographer but if Noah or Caleb needs me I'm ditching you."

"I guess I'll accept that. C'mon, you have some planning to do." Spencer stood up from the bench and led us back to the hotel.

- - -

I walked back into my hotel room after parting ways with Spencer to be met with Noah getting ready to roam around the festivals grounds for the last day. "Hi, love. How was your morning?" I sat on the bed and he gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

"It was good, but I want to talk to you about some stuff." He seemed nervous but shook him head and sat next to me on the bed. "I'm quitting the firm." His eyes went wide and I could see the corner of his lips tugging into a smile. "And I'm going to move out to Cali to be closer to everyone." His smile grew wider.

Not saying anything, Noah connected his lips with mine. "I'm so fucking proud of you, Av. And so excited." I blushed. "Thanks, I have a lot to figure out but this will be good. I just need to go see my dad and have a tough conversation."

Noah nodded his head in agreement. "Can I come with you?" I was a little taken aback by his question. "I - I - don't know if that's a good idea." I chewed on my lip, a little apprehensive to take Noah to meet my dad. "Please. Don't worry, I'll charm him. And he needs to know that his girl will be safe and protected and loved."

I could have melted into a puddle on the floor right then and there. I can't believe I ever pushed this amazing man away, I just love him so much. I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to give up. "Okay, okay. As soon as tour is over we'll go see my dad and pack up.

ps. I will be working on grammar errors very soon, thanks for sticking around!

White Noise // Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now