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Kin sighed softly, leaning over the deck railing whilst watching the stars. Fae couldn't sleep, so instead fae came out above deck to watch the stars.

Koa and Uncle Kel should be asleep anyway, the anchor was down which meant no one had to be awake right now. Kin considered pulling up the anchor and just sailing off somewhere, but faer Uncle would likely be upset. Ze was waiting for something.

The tiefling sighed, closing faer eyes for a moment.

The sea was calm. So fae was too.

"What're you doing up, Little Captain?"

Kin hummed, "Couldn't sleep."

The elder tiefling stood next zeir nibling, "I could hear you wandering above deck." Ze put a hand on faer shoulder, smiling softly as fae leaned into the touch.

Fae weren't given much good attention as a child, so ze tried to make up for zeir brothers shortcomings.


"No need, Little Captain." Ze gently pulled faem into a warm hug, resting zeir chin on Kin's head, being careful of faer horns. "Anything on your mind particularly?"

Kin wrapped faer hands around zem, "Feeling numb."

That worried Kel a little, but it was nothing they couldn't work on together, ze kissed faer head. "Do you want to climb up the crows nest and stargaze with me?"

Fae hummed, "Stay down here?"

"'Course, let's go down starboard." Kel moved away, taking faer hand and moved up the ship. Ze did pause to check the mast was properly tied down but continued to the end of the ship.

The moved to lie on the deck, looking up at the stars.

"Miss Koa..." Kin mumbled.

Faer Uncle just laughed at faem softly, "'Course you'd say that. He's downstairs, actually sleeping for once." Kel rolled zeir eyes, "You were literally talking to him before you went to bed."

Kin grumbled, pushing Kel gently, "Okay and? He's my other half, I'm allowed to miss him." Fae looked up at the stars.

The sky was beautiful.

There was an Aurora in the sky tonight. Brught pinks, purples and yellows were swirling in the sky. It was magical.

Kin's eyes glittered. The sky felt the same way faem using faer magic did. Fae could feel the magic in it. It made faem feel alive.

"When are you boarding?" Fae decided to ask.

Kel made a contemplative thought, "Never, I wish." Ze sighed dreamily, "After this catch, we'll go back to land so I can sell. Then we can head back out."

"What is it you're trying catch?" Kin asked.

Fae didn't expect zem to explain, ze never did. Just caught zeir 'catch', put it in the cellar and then locked it, not allowing Kin or Koa to look. Regardless, fae were still disappointed when ze told faem nothing.

"It's getting late, Little Captain." Kel said.

Fae nodded, rubbing faer eyes, "I'll try get to sleep." Kin stood up, stretching out a hand for Kel to grab.

Ze got up, patting faer shoulder, "Off you go."

Kin walked off, pulling faer coat closer as fae walked down to the sleeping quarters, passing faer own room and going to Koa's room.

He could deal with Kin sleeping in his room.

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