newest member

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The captain had announced a new member of the crew. Someone very important that they all had to make sure was kept safe. The Captains nibling - Kin.

Camile was excited to meet the kid, having heard about the hardships fae faced face under the Captains brothers hands (Camile fucking hated Mordekhai, he had many strong words about the man). He thought Kin deserved a lot better, and although he loved Kel dearly, Kin needed some structure.

So Camile set up one of the storage rooms as a proper bedroom before fae got here. Sure, a lot of the other crew members bitched about not getting their own room, Kel shut them up though.

He loved the Captain.

And when they finally boarded in Zraz, the crew was given free reign of the town. Camile and a few others stayed on deck whilst Kel went to retrieve the kid.

It wasn't until nightfall the Captain returned. Ze were holding a few bags and had the teen practically hugging zem as they walked. Poor thing looked terrified.

Honestly, if Camile ever met Mordekhai again there would be hands thrown.

But Kin, oh, Camile would protect faem with his life. Whoever could choose to hurt a child deserved whatever karma they fucking got. Fae had been crying, he noticed, in fact Kel looked ready to commit a murder.

"Camile, will ya take Kin to faer room. I need to go back." Ze did zeir best to sound alright for the kid, but Camile could see the anger. That would be something he'd have to soothe later.

The right hand smiled, "Will do, Captain."

Ze sighed softly, "Kin, this is Camile. If ya can't find me, you go to him, alright?" Kel patted faer shoulder when fae nodded.


Camile could work with quiet.

He took the bags and gently guided Kin to faer room, opening the door and letting faem in first before the brought the bags in. It was pretty small unfortunately, but Camile hoped fae liked it.

"There's a hammock 'ere if ya want to use it instead o' the bed." He put the bags in the corner of the room and put his hands on his hips, "Think ya need anything?"

Kin looked up at him with those big, tired eyes and shrugged.

"That's fine, I'll be out on deck," He headed back towards the door, "Ya can catch me there, okay?"

Fae nodded, so he left the room, being careful not to slam the door and went back to manage the deck. A couple of the remaining crew were huddled together. Camile loved a gossip.

"What's goin' on?" He huffed, placing a hand on Althea's shoulder, rolling his eyes when xe scoffed. "What?"

"Kin's got a twin brother, y'know?" Odessa grumbled, looking off to the port and in the vague direction of the Mostrum Residence. "Can't believe you'd separate something like that."

Right, Koa. Camile was aware of the other kid, it really was a shit situation. Camile hoped Koa ruined Mordekhai's life, fuck knows he deserves it.

"I heard why Kin's still in the house-"

"Right." Camile, not so gently, seethed, "Let the kid be, don't gossip about either and ya treat Kin with the highest fuckin' respect, right?"

They all nodded, the group dissimilating once Camile left them. Some people needed to learn manners, honestly.

He had turned to go sit by the helm when he spotted Kin. Fae had tears in faer eyes, clearly having heard the crew gossiping. Camile took a deep breath and walked towards the stairs fae hid underneath.

"Ya won't need to hear any of 'em talkin' 'bout ya again." Camile was promising that, Kel could be scary but he was scarier. "What ya doing out here?" He was gentle.

Fae rubbed away faer tears, "Lonely."

"Have ya eaten dinner?"

"Um, no." Fae tilted faer head in confusion. As if it was never an option.

Mordekhai better sleep with one eye open for the rest of his miserable fucking life.

Camile held a hand out, "Me neither, come help me make some." He watched as fae contemplated before taking his offer.

The pair walked to the kitchen, Camile chattering on about the ships routines, rooms and the crew whilst Kin just listened, holding onto his hand like a lifeline. He let faem in and got to work, letting the kid help cut the vegetables and showed faem how to actually cook.

Honestly, Camile was very proud at how quickly fae learned.

Fae were a smart kid.

Camile promised to never let anything happen to faem again.

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