something is wrong

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Kin jumps up in faer bed, hearing screaming from Ax's room. It took faem a moment to grab faer gun and leave the room the group was staying in, being reminded of when Kin and Koa would hide under their beds to avoid their parents violent outbursts.

Fae rushed to Ax's room, getting tunnel vision. After the other night where Ax had a shouting match with... something? Fae were worried for him. Kin knocked hurriedly on the door, calling out to the Changeling.

Ax opened the door, his face was devoid of emotion. His face was different.

Kin took a double-take.

"Ax, are you okay?" Fae ask, surveying Ax for any injuries.

He was bleeding?

His hand was covered in a black liquid, Kin could only attribute it to blood.

Ax stared at faem.

That isn't Ax.

Kin knew it wasn't Ax. He wasn't like this. His eyes weren't red, he was happy to see Kin.

Faster than Kin could really think about faer actions, fae turned faer gun down with the pistol head facing the floor and smashed the butt of the gun against Ax's head.

He immediately crumpled to the floor, Kin following him to gently hold his unconscious body. Adrenaline was running through faer veins.


Fae jumped at the sound of faer twin, "Koa, please get Ridith." Kin asked, kind of smiling when he nodded and quickly ran off.

Kin looked down at Ax, his head in faer lap. Kin had made him bleed.

It was for the better, whatever was using Ax's body wasn't Kin's friend. But for Kin to willingly hurt him? He'd never forgive faem. Faintly, Kin could hear loud knocking echoing through the house.

Fae were being watched, and it was making faem nervous.

Kin carded a hand through Ax's hair, it was really soft (aside for the bits that were now covered in blood). He looked peaceful for once, not scowling or grumbling. Serene.

Fae pulled faer hands away quickly when footsteps and hoofs came down the hall. Ridith ran towards Ax, taking him from Kin. Ridith began to question Kin, fae answered on autopilot, the nagging eyes unsettling faem.

"I've never seen him do this..." Ridith mumbled under his breath, holding his (kind of) adopted son close.

Kin stared into the corner, "I'm going to go get a rag to clean the blood." Fae don't wait for a response, nearly bumping into Koa (who shot faem a worried look).

Fae walked into the room fae were staying in, noticing Mikoo in the corner, "Is everything okay, Kin?" He asked, nervous.

"Everthing's fine, you can go back to sleep, Mikoo." Kin hummed comfortingly, grabbing the journal and leaving the room to find the bathroom.

Kin looked around quickly, finding a rag and shoving it under some warm water. Fae began to head back to Ax's room, trying to ignore the shadow that had begun to follow faem.

Then Kin felt something shock and burn faer skin. A hand gripped faer left shoulder, making faem yelp out pain and fall to faer knees in surprise.

Koa came running to Kin, concerned for his sibling, especially after what happened with Ax.

"Ki? What happened?" He got on his knees to look over faem, noticing faer shirts sleeves had fallen down and a searing purple scar on faer shoulder. He moved around faem to check what it was, looking all around the hall and seeing no one there.

Kin winced, "I'm fine, Koa." Fae stood up, picking up the rag and journal and seeing piercing white eyes staring at faem.

"You sure?"

Kin nodded, walking back to Ridith and Ax, standing right next to Koa.

The shadow followed.

Kin shivered, everyone around could tell fae were visibly shaken. Kin put down the journal next to Ridith and began to clean the blood off of Ax.

"What happened?" Ridith asked, picking up the journal and scowling.

Fae shrugged, grimacing, "A fuckin' shadow is in the corner." Fae sighed, "Is Ax okay?"

"He's fine, Kin."

Nodding, Kin stood up and walked into his room (feeling somewhat bad for ruining his privacy) and began to clean up the black liquid. One touch cemented that it was blood.

Black blood.

It wasn't Ax's, as Kin had just found out he bleeds red.

So who's was it?

Kin walked to the major pool, Ax's favourite dagger stained with the blood. Fae cleaned it and put it on his desk, next to his journal which fae promptly ignored.

Having cleaned the blood, Kin walked out and immediately grew tense as fae saw K had shown up.

He didn't smile.

"Is everythin' all right?" He asked Kin in his sickingly annoying voice.

Kin didn't dignify him with a response.

With one more look at Ax, fae picked up the journal from Ridith and headed back to faer bed.

Fae woke up from nightmares that morning.

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