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Kel wasn't supposed to have left the Mostrum Residence. Ze were just supposed to sit, look pretty and 'support' zeir brother and sister-in-law. Kiral was already gone, having been sent to her new husband. It was any luck the man was actually a good guy, but regardless.

Ze had been scheming.

The tieflings nightly walks spent chatting with the cute portsman and... persuading him to let Kel sail.

It was easy to get what you want when you were as alluring as Kel.

So, ze got a ship and a small crew together. Set to sail tonight, in fact. If only ze could actually leave.

Mordekhai was choosing to talk to zem, for once.

"Mar, you're acting off." He finally announced, having the audacity to act nervous, "Have been since the beginning of the month."

Kel laughed, honestly laughed, "I'm leaving, Mordekhai." There was no use in hiding it, ze had somewhere to be right now.

"Uh, what?"

The younger tiefling stood up from the large windowsill, "Leaving. I dont want to be here anymore, not since Kiral was taken away."

Mordekhai looked some form of hurt, Kel didn't care right now, "Where to?"

"You're not gonna stop me, are ya?"

He stared at Kel for a moment, then looked away, "No, just be safe I suppose."

Kel walked passed him, opening the door, "Good luck with the twins."

Ze then close the door behind zem and left the house.

It felt freeing, no more oppressive father.

No more sibling drama.

No more Mar.

Just Kel.

Captain Kel.

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