tentative truce

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Ax had demanded a break.

As much as Kin didn't want to stop, needing to find Koa, there was now an unconscious person with them they had to take care of.

(Ax told faem to stop because he could tell fae were exhausted, they thought fae needed to rest.)

Kin was sat away from the rest of the group, hugging faer knees and just barely being able to see above faemself to look at the rest of the party.

Mikoo was sleeping, curled on top of the stranger after he had healed them. Ax was setting up the campfire nearby the shifter and the human so they didn't freeze. And K.

K was walking towards Kin.

And Kin didn't have the energy to fight him. Fae didn't move when he sat next to faem.

"So... uh..." K started, he sounded distant, "Koa."

Kin hummed, "We're going to find him." Fae look at him, "Please."

In the back of faer mind, fae remember the dagger fae threw at him, it wasn't in his shoulder. Maybe it was left behind in Laian.

K looked guilty, he didn't respond.

The tiefling looked back to the campfire. Ax was now slightly away from the sleeping pair, writing down in his journal. He looked stressed, which was fair enough after what had just happened hours ago.

"Am sorry, Kin."

Kin turned to K.

"For Koa. Must be difficult to lose a sibling..." If only fae knew, "How are you, uh, feeling?"

"Why are you here?"

K looked at faem, considering leaving and bothering Ax. He was trying-

"Talking to me, right now, I mean." Kin sat up, crossing faer legs, "We don't get along."

"You're hurting." He tilted his head, "Its called being nice?"

Kin looked at him, really boring into his soul, before looking down, "I'm sorry."


"Kin, you feelin' alright-"

"K," Fae began and it just got on his nerves.

K snapped, "Don't call me that. Kal." He felt lighter, "Call me Kal."

"Okay... Kal." Fae sighed, "I'm sorry for how I've been treating you, I think you're still weird and something is off with you," Kin looked down at faer hands, "But I don't want to keep fighting, I want to know what Koa sees with you."

Kal hummed, "Thanks, I guess." He tentatively placed a hand on faer shoulder, opposite from the one he had scarred that night, "You'll be okay."

Fae sighed, leaning into the touch, "What do you think is up with the guy over there?"

Kin didn't want to talk about it anymore, Kal was fine with that, "Dunno, hopefully something nice." He let go of Kin, standing up, "Gonna talk to Ax."

And then he was gone.

Kin took a deep breath, watching as Ax hid his journal (and failed as Kal grabbed it) and banter with the southern man.

Kin missed Koa.

But they would find him.

Fae fidgeted with the scarf that hadn't belonged to faem in a long time, looking up to the stars.

It was going to be okay.

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