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It'd been a few years since their adventuring had ended. Not entirely, of course, Ax and Kin were still frequently adventuring for their enjoyment, but since their mission had come to an end.

And since it had ended, Kin had been thinking.

The tiefling would first think about the vast difference between faer old life where fae were miserable and faer current life with Ax where fae were happy.

Back at Kin's old residence, fae were always expected to be prim and proper, to be used as a pawn in the family business and to have been eventually sent off permanently - whether it had been another failed marriage or just living with Kel.

Kin really thought about it.

Mostly the marriage.

At this point in faer life, fae were supposed to be married. And fae weren't.

It had caused faem quite a crisis once the party disbanded, not knowing what to do with faer life without a direct goal.

But Kin had surpassed that.

The tiefling was studying the stars now!

Fae couldn't be happier. Kin had a beautiful life; a gorgeous partner, a fulfilling job and a constant adventure to ensure fae weren't bored.

So why were fae still questioning it all?

"Starlight?" Ax called out gently, rubbing his eyes tiredly and walking onto the Inn balcony where Kin had been musing, "You're normally in bed now."


Kin sighed happily when Ax wrapped his arms around faer shoulders and kissed the top of faer head, "What does sitting out here and thinking include?" They looked down at Kin, who was looking up at Ax.

"Would you think about getting married?" Fae asked.

Ax's face turned into confusion, "What do you mean?"

Kin stuttered, looking away nervously, "I- I don't want to be married - at least now-" Faer tail wrapped around the changeling's leg, "It's just-"

"Starlight-" Ax tried to interject.

"It- it was always told to me that I can't be-"


Fae continued rambling, "Useful? If I'm not married-"

Ax moved right in front of faem, cupping faer face with his cold hands, "Starlight, you're spiralling."

"I-" Kin looked distressed, "I'm sorry, Moonshine."

The changeling kissed faer head, "Slowly, what brought this up?" They gently carded a hand through faer hair.

"I was thinking about my father, how marriage is expected," Kin leaned into his hands, "And because we're partners, i- is it not expected to get married?"

Ax hummed in thought.

"I don't want to be married though, now anyway..." The tiefling looked down again, "I've not really seen a good marriage, it scares me."

"Starlight, look at me?"

Kin looked up, they looked so beautiful. Even with his tired eyes, just woken up and dealing with this conversation, he was beautiful.

"Quite frankly, I hadn't thought about marriage." Ax sighed, "It's not important to me right now."

Kin nodded, bringing an arm up and putting it around their waist, holding them close, "Okay, but we're okay?" Fae asked quietly, dropping faer head onto his chest.

"Of course, Starlight." They held Kin close, "We don't need marriage to prove anything, like Kal says, we're soulmates."

"I'm happy with us." Kin hummed.

Ax huffed a small laugh, "I'm glad. Now," He pulled back, shaking their head at the whine Kin sounded, "Bed. I'm cold and miss you."

Kin pouted before standing up and taking faer partners open hand, "Okay, love you, Moonshine."

"I love you too, Starlight."

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