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Ax had to explain to the party that he couldn't be a changeling in the place they were going. Kin had been worried for him as fae knew he wasn't too pleased to change his appearance.

But nothing could have prepared Kin for how he would look.


Now, Ax himself was gorgeous.

Kin was looking at a tall, red teifling. Ax. Faer Moonshine.

"So, uh, convincing?"

Fae nodded, at a loss for words. It was Ax!

"Kin?" He looked concerned. Did he think fae didn't like him?!

The tiefling shook faer head out of faer thoughts, "Sorry- youre- " Fae noticed the tail. God's the tail, "You're pr- Looks good!"

Kin heard Kal laugh behind faem and fae immediately wanted to crawl in a hole and scream, faer tail wrapped around faer leg.

"Kal, what is it we needed here?"

The pair of them spoke about the plan; lure some guy out to get information, rob him blind and leave. Kin knew it, but fae couldn't focus on their words.

Ax was so pretty.

Their hair was black instead of its usual white. He was taller. White sparkles on their face. And the tail. Kin nearly collapsed, the tail was far too long but it was so Ax, he was swishing it around their legs.

"World ta kin?"

Fae was going to yell at Kal, honestly, "What."

"Agree with the plan?" He was nearly giggling, he knew. "Ax's gonna talk to the guy, you standby just in case, we find the goods."

And fae looked at Ax, they were smiling, "Sound good, Starlight?"

"Y- Yep! So good." Kin looked away.


Unfortunately, talk meant flirt. At least fae thought he was flirting, it had to be meaningless, but still.

Moonshine was flirting with some asshole, and Ax looked like he was enjoying it.

What did they have Kin didn't?

Fae seethed quietly next to them. Kin was backup, calm down.

The tiefling started to pick at the wooden table when fae felt something wrap around faer leg. Looking down, it was Ax's tail.

He gave faem a quick worried glance when the guy was looking away but just as quick they were looking, he came back and offered something to Ax. The tail didn't leave though.

Kin was down bad.

The meeting went well, Kin was far calmer by the end of it and they skipped town as soon as possible. Except Kal, Kins least liked friend ever, had started to question Kin.

Even as Ax changed to be himself again, Kal was making fun Kin. How fae had seemed off the whole trip, how fae looked like fae were getting a fever.

Kin just kept remembering the tail.

Ax cared so much.

God's, its hard to be so infatuated, fae nearly whined.

Kin did punch Kal on the shoulder when Ax wasn't looking.

He deserved it.

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