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Kin was so confused.

At some points Ax would be kind to Kin, talk to faem and be in faer company. The next he was distant, cold and has started to outright ignore Kin.

Fae couldn't take it anymore.

Not when the silence was getting louder and louder.


Fae stood next to him. They used to stay next to eachother during rests, but he'd taken to being away from faem.

He looked up at faem and seemed to scowl, and the tiefling nearly left then and there. Fae didn't. Not yet.

"Can we talk?" Kin's tail swished nervously, and fae knew Ax noticed. Was he judging faem?

The changeling motioned for faem to sit down, the most they'd already interacted in days, "What about?" They asked, fidgeting with their dagger. As if any sudden movement from Kin would be enough.

Fae felt disheartened immediately. The only saving grace was that Kal had left for the night. It was just Kin and Ax.

"You've been distant?"

He scoffed, "Have I?"

Right, Kin took a deep breath, "When we first met you were really nice," Fae looked away from him, feeling the deep stare boring into faem, "But you've been getting distant."

Ax stayed quiet, expecting faem to say more.

"I thought we were friends, Ax." Kin looked at them again, and God's fae still thought he looked pretty, "I thought you trusted me."

It was a question; did Ax actually trust faem?

And he hesitated.

Kin knew there and then he didn't. Fae heard him speak but couldn't focus. He didn't trust faem. They were determined, fae knew as much, he could do this without faem.

It hurt, though.

Kin has opened faer soul to him and he didnt want it. Kin wouldn't force them to take care of faem if he didn't trust faem.

When it sounded like he was done talking (and Kin noticed he had the decency to look guilty) fae just stood up and walked away, sitting by faer makeshift bed and faced away from Ax.

The changeling made a wounded noise, but he'd done this to them both, what else could he do now?

Kin inevitably fell asleep, and woke to the morning. Ax hadn't woken faem for faer night shift.

Just another stab to the trust wound, fae supposed.

Fae packed faer things. They were supposed to be going to Ennanthond, and Kin would. But fae couldn't stay after that.

The travel to was quiet, aside from Kals usual chatter with Ax. Kin said not a single word, and fae noticed Ax constantly watching faem.

Was it because he didn't trust faem or because he cared?

Kin couldn't tell.

They had made it to Ridith's house. Ax had his room, Kal just wandered and Kin stayed in the guest room until nightfall.

Fae left, walking past Ridith (who wasn't usually awake), "Where ya going?"

"Going home, Ax doesn't need me anymore."

Ridith sent a glance in the direction of Ax's room, "Well, uh, nice knowing ya? Yer a good one." He was kind. He ways had been.

Fae felt a ghostly touch as fae left the house but ignored it. Kal couldn't stop faem either.

It hurt.

Kin really liked Ax.

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