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Kin sighed wistfully, leaning back from the sterns railing to look up at the stars. If there was anywhere fae could be - it would be in the stars, the sea was the next best.

Fae was on night watch, something fae really enjoyed. The quiet was calming; no words being spoken, the crashing waves and, of course, the stars were shining.

"What are you thinking 'bout?" A quiet grumble came from behind faem.

Kin turned to look at the sleepy Ax who had wandered upstairs. He was rubbing his eyes, dressed messily and without shoes as he stood right by Kin, tiredly leaning on faem. Truly a beautiful creature, Kin thought.

"Stargazing." Fae reply, moving an arm to wrap around him so he didn't fall.

"You always say that when I ask." It mumbled.

Kin could only smile, "You're so pretty, Moonshine."

That caused Ax to sputter, pushing away from faem and falling against the railing, "Kin!" He covers his face, "You can't just say that!"

Fae hummed, leaning on the railing next to Ax, looking back at the stars as faer partner recovered from the compliment. Ax grumbled.

Ax looked at Kin, faer face was soft and calm as fae studied the stars. Ax covered his face in his arms, looking up at Kin, "I missed you in bed." They pouted.

"Someone needs to keep watch," Fae started, "It's Koa's turn tomorrow, so you won't need to worry."

Ax looked off out to the ocean, it truly was peaceful; serene. He could understand why Kin got so passionate about the sea and the stars. They were beautiful, much like his partner.


"Hm?" Fae turn to him.

"You're beautiful."

It was Kin's turn to blush, fae turned away, mumbling a denial under faer breath.

"Has anyone ever told you that before, because you are." Ax doubled down, he wanted faem to accept their compliment. "In fact I should say it more."

Kin paused, honestly thinking about his rhetorical question. "No..."

The changeling looked confused, "No what?"

"No one's ever told me that." Fae sighed, looking out at the ocean. A storm was in the distance, but they'd just sail on by.

Ax took a moment, shocked, "Kin, you are the most beautiful, intelligent and caring person I have ever met before," He put a hand on faer shoulder, "I have never met someone like you before."

He blushed softly, "I love you, Starlight."

Kin pulled him into a hug, head crooked into his neck, "You too, Moonshine." Fae wanted to say a lot more, but couldn't find the words.

This was good enough though, just Ax and Kin under the guidance of stars.

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