happy birthday

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Kin headed towards the kitchen, Camile had asked faem to meet him there and fae didn't want to tell him no.

The tiefling opened the door and was welcomed with the smell of sweetness.

"Cupcake!" Camile hid something behind him and smiled brightly, the scars on his face crinkling in the way they always did (Kel had always said it looked very endearing, Kin had to agree), "Yer a bit early, close yer eyes for me?"

"Alright, 'Mile." And fae did.

Fae heard him pottering about, "What's with the crew you came with?" The human asked, there was an implication there Kin chose to ignore.

"We're looking for Koa and trying to find information for Ax." Kin leaned against the door frame.

"They the changeling?"

Kin nodded, internally rolling faer eyes at the curious hum, "What 'bout the other three?" Camile was a good guy, he was trying.

"Xavier and Adriel I don't know too well," Fae admitted, "We met Xavier trying to get information and we met Adriel after an incident and took him with us."

Camile was quiet, so fae kept talking.

"K. Well, Kal, he's... difficult?" The tiefling sighed, "He and Koa were friendly, so I'm trying to be open minded."

"Friendly? Like Vidalia-"

"Fuck no." Kin huffed, grumbling something unintelligible, "He's been really suspicious, and isn't being really honest with us."

Camiles huffed an agreement of sorts, "Noticed he's been absent, really good at hiding-"

"Right?! Every time somethings happened with us," Camile clearly hit a  nerve, "He's been fucking gone and comes back after shits happened! He acts guilty, like he's done it!"

Kin literally growled, sliding down the door frame to sit, "The first night we met the fucker he just showed up!"

"Like, middle o' night?" There was a clang of metal.

"Yes!" Kin groaned, putting faer head on faer knees, "Ax wasn't happy about it, but I think there's something wrong with those two."

"Thought ya liked that one?"

Kin nearly looked up before remembering fae were to keep faer eyes closed, "I can like Ax and be critical of his behaviour."

And fae crumbled slightly, "I don't think they really like me, I mean-" Kin whined, "Camile, they keep lying about stuff, and I think I'm upset."

"'Course ya would be, Cupcake, I mean, kid's wearing yer coat right?" He sounded closer.

"Yeah, they needed comfort and I gave it to them." Kins tail swished on the floor, "They cut their arm off, and won't explain why. I don't want him to hurt themself."

Camile put a hand on faer shoulder, fae looked up at him, "Ya care, I've ne'er see ya so passionate 'bout a person."

Fae felt tears well up, no, fae couldn't cry. Kin had avoided it all day.

"I know yer not too happy today," He offered a hand to help faem up, "But I ain't seen ya since ya got sick, 'n I want'a gift you somethin'."

Kin took his hand, standing up and being brought into a crushing hug. "It's yer birthday, Cupcake, indulge a little."

"Koa's not here." Fae sounded broken, "It's our birthday."

Camile ruffled faer hair (who then immediately scowled), "Cookie'll get his gifts when ya get him back safely." He smiled a toothy grin and brought Kin to the back of the kitchen.

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