Chapter 3.

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No Coriolanus!

I scream at the top of my lungs, eagerly searching my surroundings for the first time since I opened my eyes trying to catch my breath

I slowly closed my eyes briefly as everything began to sink in

It was a stupid, terrible dream..

My muscles were stiff from last night sleeping on the hearth of the fireplace

My eyes were bloodshot red as my throat was dry like sandpaper.

I slowly got to my feet as I took a look outside the cabin


I quickly gathered my things, removing any trace or trail that I left behind and headed back out into the wilderness.

I slowly looked back to the cabin as I thought of Maude Ivory, Tam Amber, Barb Azure.

They must've known that I've left already by now..

They need to know.

Not only that, but they needed to know that I was alive and well and  safe and sound.

I slowly opened my mouth as I quickly began to sing a melody that reminded me of them.

"Well, there's a dark and a troubled side of life."

"There's a bright and a sunny side, too."

"Let's us greet with a song of hope each day,"

"Through the moments be cloudy or fair."

"Let us trust in tomorrow always
To keep us, one and all, in its care"


As soon as I finished singing the song; the mockingjays were quick to pick up the song and sing to one another in harmony.

I took a deep breath as I looked up at the trees

I hoped and prayed that they got the message..

The scenery itself was beautiful as I went back to the lake as I quickly fashioned a new sturdy fishing bow

I sat there by the edge of the bank for a few minutes as I caught my first fish of the day

My breakfast.

It consisted of a large fish katniss and delicious berries.

I slowly sighed as I began to cook my fish

"Will this be what I have to eat for the rest of my life?"

I said as I quickly put out the fire as I gathered my things.

"Let's see what I have to work with.."

"Bag check."

"Fishing pole, check."

"Knife, triple check"

I said to myself as I looked out into the trees

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