MBP: Lost

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I close my eyes and I can see
The world is dark ahead of me
It suffocates me but it's alright
It's alright, I know it's alright
Trust me It's alright

Though others may think I'm crazy
Although I'm lost in this city
It's alright, being not okay is alright
Making myself fond of the dark
The pitch black upcoming days won't be enough
To knock me out and chain me up
Those days won't succeed, trust me

I wander around in this familiar place
But the thing is, I don't know why I can't feel the past feeling
The me from the past who's brave enough to conquer the quests
The me from the past who's away from unwanted guests

I'm lost, I'm lost I know it but it's too late
Though I want to deny it but reality proves it
I'm lost, I'm lost and I don't know what to do
Making myself believe that everything is predestined
I get lost without knowing it

Lost in this place makes me reflect
Reflect from my previous self and compare my current state
Yes, I'm lost and I need to bring myself again
It's not yet the end just the start of the real beginning

I'm lost, I'm lost but it's not a problem anymore
There's always a solution in every unsolved mysteries
The me who's lost can't be lost again
Between the past and the present
The future is still vague to give a statement
Yeah, I'm lost and I find it funny
Because after accepting the defeat I feel the courage
I'm lost, I'm lost but not anymore

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