Quiet Mornings

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Sonic POV:

'The hero of mobius, The Fastest thing alive, the Blue blur however you want to call me really.
But I'm fine with just being called Sonic
I'm guessing you expecting for me to have a good childhood and family which I can say yes to atleast one of your expectations
I have a good family while mainly my siblings but my parents I don't really want to talk about them you know?..."


Narrator POV:


A cold autumn morning, a azure blue hedgehog opens his emerald green eyes waking up from a decent dream that wasn't a nightmare from his past to haunt him. He sighed rubbing his eyes and getting up from his bed. He looked at the clock seeing it was 10:00am which he just shrugs off, walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Sonic headed over to the sink opening the tap and letting the water pour into the sink. He zones out a bit staring at the water until he shakes his head closing the tap.




Sonic sighed walking to the kitchen wearing just a black hoodie and very dark blue baggy pants with his iconic shoes. He quickly heads to Tails room checking to see if he was okay being the fact the hero saw him as his little brother. Sonic looked over to his friend's room noticing the two tailed fox was still asleep which he chuckled a little leaving the fox to sleep.
Sonic went back to the kitchen making some pancakes for him and his little 'brother'. He looked at the clock again hearing it tick and tick.

Sonic: "This is one quiet morning I gotta say"

The hero thought to himself looking back to the pancakes he had now just finished making. The hero sighed looking back at the clock. It was now 10:30am, the clock still making the usual sound.

Sonic: "I should probably wake up Tails. Though I gotta say it's funny how much all of us have grown really. One moment I was just a careless cocky teen now here I am a 30 year old adult who has helped countless people in my youth from that Egghead heh... though he has now retired and I'm not sure if I should to..."

While Sonic was lost in his thoughts he didn't realized that his two tailed fox friend was right beside him looking over at the pancakes that he had made.

Tails: "Is that breakfast? If so it looks really good, Sonic"
The two tailed fox asked looking at the pancakes which he didn't realize that he had startled his older friend. Sonic blinked looking over at Tails which then he slightly chuckled nodding that it was breakfast.

"Sonic: Yep I just made it now for the both of us" Sonic smiled meanwhile Tails looked at him then gave a sigh.

Tails: "Hey uhh Sonic, why do you always look so tired if I may ask"
Tails asked concerned taking a plate of pancakes and putting it on the table for himself. The Hedgehog was quiet thinking on what to say or how to even explain why he has been so restless. Most of it was due to nightmares he was getting mainly of him losing his friends or losing his family or even more worst things but the hedgehog gave a soft smile.

Sonic: "I'm alright bud... I've just been getting nightmares lately that's all. You don't have to worry about it really." Sonic smiled while Tails still had a concern expression while eating his pancakes. The hero looked away then looked back at his friend seeing how his still concern about his mental health which he couldn't really blame him for worrying about, Tails was 13 now. He is able to understand many things and he  can tell when someone isn't doing well mentally or physically or even psychologically.

The hero sighed once again patting Tails on the head and taking his own plate sitting down at the table and eating his pancakes. Tails still concerned sighed being worried about his friend's health but also knowing that Sonic is not really gonna say much about it. The two tailed fox finished his pancakes putting the plate in the sink and washing it while the blue hedgehog finished his.

Tails: "Hey Sonic"
the two tailed fox called his friend which caught the older ones attention.

Sonic: "Hm yes bud?"
Sonic said with a smile which Tails blinked then thought for a moment questioning if Sonic actually knew what was going on with Shadow now having a new job which shadow hasn't even said what it was really.

Also the fact being that Shadow and Sonic haven't seen each other since Amy's murder mystery themed birthday party which of course Eggman had to ruin.

Tails chuckled at the thought remembering that day but that day was 3 years ago now Amy was 27 being now a more mature lady that those old days where she obsessed over Sonic.

Tails: "Did you know that shadow got fired and is now working a new job?" Tails questioned his friend meanwhile he was met with a complete shocked Sonic staring right at him in complete disbelief. Tails was now confused on when sonic was going to say something about it being from how shocked he looked.

Sonic: "No way shadow got fired from G.U.N right?? Wait how do you even know about it!"
Sonic still being completely shocked was genuinely not expecting shadow to have actually gotten fired from G.U.N being how he was their best agent to do missions for them.

Tails: "Yes shadow did get fired. And well knuckles told me since Rouge told him about it. Both of them being suspicious on what shadow's job is really. To be honest I'm also curious what it could be"
Tails said washing the plate while Sonic was still staring in complete disbelief.

Sonic: "Yeah this isn't any quiet morning anymore"
Sonic thought to himself looking at his plate then back at Tails. He looked over at the clock once again to see it was now 10:40am. The Hedgehog tapped his fork onto the table being very confused and questioning multiple things that was going on right now.

Sonic: "Shadow got fired... and he has a new job now... hmm.. I wonder what that job could be..."
Sonic thought still tapping the fork onto the table looking at the plate then back at the clock.

Sonic: "How the hell did this now become a loud morning"
He thought still tapping the fork and looking at the clock and sighing.

And there is chapter 1 done welp I hope you all enjoyed this so far I'm not sure when the other parts are going to come out due to exams so just enjoy reading this first chapter anyways goodbye and see you in the next one

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