When it started

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Shadow POV:

"Wow I got fired by G.U.N... Not surprising really. I was expecting for them to have fired me sooner than later... Huh look at me a 30 year old getting fired for no goddamn reason eh.. how can I blame them really. It was getting more dangerous and more goddamn restless like not even faker being annoying restless I can tell you that much. Speaking of which I can't remember how long it has been since I saw him... Was it 1, 2 years? I don't know I can't seriously remember."

"Let's just say ever since I fell from the A.R.K...I really don't know how that day is still in my head being the fact it was 15 years go... I guess I just have weird memory problems I suppose."
"But there is one moment that I won't forget.. The day I got this damn job of being well an assassin you can say..."


Narrator POV:

Date: 1/10/2023
Time: 11:30am

Shadow rolled his eyes picking up some boxes looking at them then back at his friend well he didn't see her as a friend but she saw him as a friend. That being Rouge the bat, she was about 3 years older than the ultimate lifeform meanwhile she was 2 years older than her boyfriend, Knuckles.

Rouge: "I was really not expecting you to get fired, Hun... Like what the heck is the commander thinking?!"
She yelled looking over at Shadow who just scoffed. Shadow carried the boxes outside ignoring Rouge in the process which upset the white bat.

Rouge: "Ughhh Shadow, You can't keep ignoring me you know" She glared at the black hedgehog who was still quiet looking at the boxes then back at her with a dull expression on his face. Rouge sighed knowing Shadow to well then even his own good which the hedgehog didn't care about. Rouge put down the boxes next to shadow.

Rouge: "Hun just stay safe alright? Cause I'm genuinely not sure on what you are going to do being the fact that you are now jobless" Once again shadow scoffed rolling his eyes and looking away then looking at the ground. Whoever shadow and Rouge was both not expecting for there to be a random phone call that shadow was getting. Shadow blinked putting the boxes down and taking his phone out of his jacket.

Rouge: "Who's calling you, Hun?" Rouge was confused looking over at Shadow then at his phone which Shadow again stayed quiet not being sure on what to do exactly. After a few seconds Shadow answers the phone listening in on who was calling him which he didn't exactly recognize the voice.

"Who the hell is this"

???: "I will talk and explain everything, first one question are you alone right now?"

Shadow looked at Rouge then looked away thinking for a moment

"No... even why do you even want me to be alone?"

???: "cause I got a job for you that you might want being from how much I pay my employees, darling"

Shadow blinked then looked at Rouge. He covered his phone and took a chaos emerald out of his pocket. Rouge waved goodbye heading back inside while Shadow teleported home using a chaos emerald he had on him. He looked over at the boxes he had then back at the phone. He continued with the phone call sitting down on a nearby chair.

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