Stop to Spagonia

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Sonic POV:

I was looking around the area seeing how not much has changed to Spagonia since Mobius was shattered into pieces.

[Also author here sorry to break the forth wall but yes I know Mobius and Earth are two separate planets in which media you follow but in this case Mobius and Eath are fused together so If I say Mobius it's just Earth and Mobius being the same planet anywaysss]

I looked over at Tails and Knuckles which Tails was talking about the areas in Spagonia while Knuckles looked sort of interested then I look over to Shadow still holding the flower pot seemly being in his own world at that moment.
A smile formed on my muzzle finding it cute how even when shadow keeps up that edgy facade he always has that moment of just seeming innocent which he is in some aspects such as his mind.

I walked over to Tails and Knuckles leaving Shadow to stay in that own world of his just for a bit longer.

"Hey Tails, Knux what you guys doing."
The two tailed fox looked at me with a smile holding one of his machines.

Tails: "Oh I was just telling Knuckles about the Gaia temples being well he has never really gotten to see them with us back in the day."
The fox said with a grin while the echinda just looked back at the temple.
I saw Knuckles glancing over at Shadow seeing how the black hedgehog was just zoned out looking at the flower pot.

Knuckles: "Did we seriously have to bring "him" along?"
He said crossing his arms and glaring at me which I sort of gave a glare.
I sighed knowing Knuckles didn't like Shadow's presence that much even though he was dating Shadow's friend, Rouge.

"Knux you seriously don't have to be that rude about Shads you know. Just give him sometime you might warm up to him."
I smiled while the red echinda just shrugged looking back at the temple and walking over to it leaving only me, Tails and Shadow outside.

Tails: "I'm gonna head inside I think you and shadow should talk"
The two tailed fox said walking over to the temple now just leaving me with a zoned out shadow. I look over at the black hedgehog seeing him just being so peaceful when he is zoned out.

I walked over tapping the black hedgehog's shoulder only to met with him punching me in the stomach.

"UGH! owww..."
The black hedgehog blinked looking at me then looking away his ear slightly flicking.
I was now crouched holding my stomach as it was just hurting from the punch shadow did.
My ear flicked as I heard mumbling come from the black hedgehog infront of me

"Sorry that I startled you shads" I chuckled meanwhile I heard a scoff from the black hedgehog.
He gave me the flower pot taking what appeared to be the green chaos emerald out from his quills.
I carefully get up holding the flower pot watching Shadow walk to the temple which I followed.

Inside the temple it didn't change much just it appeared that more vines grew during its time of being an old nostalgic  place thinking of the people I met around the world and Chip of course how could I forget him. He saved my life, he protected everyone from Dark Gaia's rampage and I guess I could say for once at that moment I wasn't the true hero knowing that in truth Chip was the real hero that day.

It seemed since I was so caught up in nostalgic I didn't hear Tails and Knuckles calling my name but I was met with a punch to the arm from Shadow making me jump back at the blow almost dropping the flower pot in the process.
I thought I heard something from the hedgehog next to me a chuckle, I think I heard.
I looked over at Shadow seeing a small smirk plastered on his face which made me smile a bit seeing the hedgehog smile since he usually doesn't do that so often.

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