Unknown connections and circumstances

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Narrator's POV:

The blue hero was reading through different books which was very unlike of him well that's what at least his friends thought of it being from how his personality was him being cocky and impatient which even if he matured from those days he still had that personality but it was tone down a lot.
Sonic glance through page by page looking seemly restless and uncertain on what he was looking for which the two tailed fox walking into the living room noticed.

Tails: "Hey Sonic what's going on"
Tails was curious on why Sonic seemed so uneasy about whatever he was looking for.

Sonic blinked glancing at the fox having his glasses on which he then took off looking away for a moment. He then sighed standing up and tossing the book to the rest of the pile.
Tails glanced at the pile then back at sonic being now very confused and concerned on what was going on and what was happening to his older friend.

The Hedgehog smiled nervously.
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

Sonic: "Oh hey bud! I was just looking through different books and stuffff"

Sonic smiled at the two tailed fox meanwhile the two tailed fox wasn't having any of sonic's awful lies that he told these days. Tails sighed crossing his arms letting the hedgehog know he isn't falling for it.

Sonic:[sighs] "Okay I might be questioning my existence maybe heh"
The Hedgehog sweated waiting for an answer from his friend who just blinked confused on what Sonic was exactly talking about.

Tails: "what do you mean your existence?"
The fox crossed his arms titling his head slightly having a confused expression on his face.
The hedgehog could see the confusion from Tails eyes which made the hedgehog sigh.

Sonic: "like I don't feel like I was naturally born you know sort of like shadow in a way but"
He paused for a moment trying to think on what he exactly wanted to say next while the fox was interested on what Sonic was talking about.

Sonic: "yeahhh like shadow who was created by Egghead's grandfather. I don't know why but I feel like I wasn't just born naturally I guess since you know you don't get a hedgehog being faster than the speed of sound any day anddd even none of my family members besides my triplet siblings that being well you know Scourge and Nicky have it sooo yeah heh."
He felt himself rambling as he saw how the fox was processing everything he just said at that moment.

Tails: "Wait so you think you might of been created like shadow?"
Tails leaned on the couch staring at the hedgehog in front of him who gave a slight nod.

Sonic: "Yeah I just feel like I'm not exactly what I thought I was or who I really or where I really came from so I want to learn more of myself like how I got my speed and if it was really natural or not"
Sonic had a gaze of interest really wanting to understand and learn more of how he really got his speed which the fox could sense.

The fox chuckled smiling understanding how excited sonic is on finding out more things about himself.
He shrugged walking to his workshop which the older hedgehog followed him behind.
Tails looked around his workshop picking up a chaos emerald that being the red chaos emerald.

Tails: "so then what are we waiting for"
The fox said with a smirk seeing the excitement rise in Sonic from his eyes sparkling brighter which just made the fox chuckled.

Sonic: "hm though wait do you think we should get knuckles and shadow involved like I mean Knuckles is probably knows a lot about the chaos emeralds and Shadow is well shadow"
The two tailed fox nodded walking to the Tornado. He looked over at some supplies then back at the hedgehog.

Two heroes, one assassination []Sonadow[]Where stories live. Discover now