If it isn't Mr. Monster Guy 🍋

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Involved in this chapter:
Mentions of Smoking

Sonic POV:


I looked over to my right seeing Shadow surprisingly sleeping peacefully on the cold floor which I sort of felt bad he had to lay there.
My ear flicked hearing shadow mumbling in his sleep.

Narrator POV:

Sonic carefully picked up the sleeping Shadow moving him to the bed and letting him rest on it as he carefully and quickly walk out not wanting Shadow to be around when seeing that thing of his show up.

Sonic mumbled to himself walking around the hotel while a few voices started to talk to him.

???: "Are you serious now Sonic you're gonna keep yourself awake up all night nowhere near Shadow at all?"

Sonic: "Yes Dark.. of course I'm going too"

Dark: "Nah no way you can leave that handsome hedgehog by himself"

Sonic rolled his eyes knowing how much of an obsession Shadow was to Dark while the other two voices groaned.

???: "Oh my word! CAN WE KILL THIS GUY ALREADY!?"

Dark: "No... and if you're talking about Shadow super also no..."

Sonic groaned getting annoyed by mainly Dark and Super Sonic or well Fleetway in this case but most of the time he was referred to as "super"
He kept passing around the hotel not really caring much for anyone else as he tried his best to not look at moonlight or be in it as then that thing well Sonic calls it a "thing" shows up.

Sonic keeps pacing back and forth annoyed and frustrated he can't do anything knowing he might turn into it.

???: "I feel like I'm the only one sane here..."

There were technically multiple versions of sonic that lived in his head but the main few were Dark, Super and well... Kurai though he barely talked which hearing him talk sometimes are a pretty rare moment as he is a younger version of Sonic being mainly in black and white.

Dark: "I mean you technically are at this point heh"

Sonic groaned a bit as he kept himself calm still pacing around and making sure he wasn't near any moonlight.
Sonic's ear flicked when he heard one of the hotel doors open as he glanced around he saw that it appeared to be Shadow who woke up seeming stressed out but the black hedgehog didn't notice him so Sonic carefully hid around the corner looking at Shadow.

Shadow: "...Fucking damnit well I have no idea where that idiot is but whatever.. whatever ughh!.."

Sonic was confused why Shadow seemed to be so stressed about Sonic just not being there? Sonic blinked a few times thinking if he should go back to the hotel room or stay hiding but his thoughts were cut short when he heard the door slam coming from the hotel room indicating Shadow went back inside.

The blue hedgehog sighs deciding that he should go check on Shadow even if he might turn into that thing well doing so.
He walks over to the hotel room opening the door gently looking around the room he noticed the curtains were still closed in the bedroom but saw a bit of moonlight come from the bathroom indicating that Shadow was probably in there.
Sonic became completely nervous cause if he went to check on Shadow he would turn into that thing but he took a deep breath deciding to just go and just see how Shadow reacts when seeing that thing of his.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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