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XV. Frustrated Papaya

AUSTIN: October 2023


➥@fan1000: tell me I'm not the only who noticed lando looking around while he was on the podium

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@fan1000: tell me I'm not the only who noticed lando looking around while he was on the podium

     @fan17: I saw that too

@fan90: mia wasn't there today...

     @fan19: maybe that's why :(

@fan09: the realization on his face when he couldn't find who he was looking for made my heart sad

     @fan18: I swear its mia

     @fan77: but isn't she in austin too?

     @fan00: she is but her schedule is different now. This is the last show she has that is near race day and she was rehearsing too

Race Day: Oscar stood to the side as Lando was listening or was acting like he was listening to Jon. The Brit had been out of it. Not really performing well.

The Australian knew that Mia wouldn't be there this race (which was the first time for Oscar not to see the girl around), he was worried. It wasn't bad to a point that Lando DNFs but rather not what the team was expecting from him.

It was race day and they were all expecting for him to do amazing in the race. The team was aiming for a podium. But Oscar saw it.

Lando was not in the right headspace. So, when Jon left him, Oscar walked to his teammate. He sat down next to him.

The Brit had opted to sit on the floor. He didn't really mind Oscar sitting next to him. They had grown quite attached to each other. "You going to risk it?" the Australian asked.

The older driver sighed and looked at the ceiling, "Should I?" he asked. He then looked at Oscar. The younger driver noticing the pleading look on his face. He sighed and turned his body to him.

"Are you in the right headspace to do it? Because if you're not then I think it will be dangerous. Ate Mia wouldn't want you to risk things when you aren't really in your head." He said.

Lando frowned, "But it will make her proud if I get podium." Oscar hummed and nodded, "Of course she will but your safety-"

"But she would see me. Up there. It's not everyday I could be on podium, if I don't try then what then?" Lando cut him off. Oscar was worried, he knew that his teammate was doing this to have his best friend see him.

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