Chapter 8

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As the days went by Abby was doing everything she could do to stop thinking about Chris. When she would sleep all she could think about was Chris and that Rebecca person.

Nothing seemed to work so she called Liza and asked her to send her some work to keep her mind off things and to kill some time so she wasn't going crazy.

She was on the phone with Liza.

"I'm just surprised you wanna work, shouldn't you be resting up for your little one's arrival." Liza asked.

"Yeah but I still can work as long as I'm comfortable. I'm fine." Abby said

"Ok well I'll have Tommy bring over those files for you just go over the documents and make the changes you think should be made and send them back to me." Liza said

"Sounds good." Abby said

"Alright I gotta get back to work, it's been crazy the last couple days." Liza said

"Ok talk to you soon Liza and thanks again." Abby said

"No problem, just take it easy if the workload is too much, then stop, I'll understand. Ok I've gotta go bye sweetie." Liza said hanging up

Abby hung up with Liza and decided to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. She was about to make herself a sandwich when the doorbell rang. She waddled over to answer it.

"Hi Abby."

"Hi Tommy, come on in." she said

"How ya feeling." Tommy said

"Ok." she said

"Won't be long now huh." He said

"Yea one more month. You can just set those files on the counter, thanks." she said

Tommy set the files down and headed towards the door.

"Thanks for bringing those over to me Tommy. I appreciate it." she said

"No problem. Have a good day." Tommy said.

Abby watched him leave and then headed into the house to get started on the paperwork.

A couple hours went by and Abby was knee deep in contracts. She double checked and triple checked just to make sure everything was ok.

As she was finishing up a pile she felt a pain in her stomach.

"Ouch, oh damn, was that a contraction." Abby said she picked up her phone and called her Dr.


"Dr Monroe, it's Abby Anderson." she said

"Abby what's wrong." she asked.

"I think I just had a contraction. But it's too early." Abby said.

"Your right. Listen, I'm in your neighborhood visiting a friend. Why don't I pop over and give you a quick exam just to make sure everything is ok." The doc said.

Abby agreed. After she hung up with the doctor she wanted to call Chris but she knew she couldn't.

A few minutes later the doc arrived and checked out Abby.

"Well you did have a contraction but your not dilated yet, what you had were braxton hicks contractions it's just your body's way of getting you ready for the birth." The doc said

"Wow, if that was just a reminder i don't think I'm gonna live through actual childbirth." Abby said laughing.

The doctor just laughed and reassured Abby that everything with her and the baby was ok.

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