Chapter 15

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(I know this took me forever to post guys but it's been hard. I haven't been able to get motivated to post a story right now. I'm working on more chapters but it's rough. But I did find an old fanfiction book I put together of my old stories so once I'm done this I'll have material for something new. Anyway thank you for sticking with me.)

Abby never left hope's side. She would sit there for hours and just watch her sleep. Chris would try and get her to sleep but Abby just wouldn't sleep.

He could see how much her not sleeping was affecting her.

Chris was on the phone outside of hopes room with his mom.

"Hey mom." Chris said

"Hey honey. How's hope?" His mom said

"The doctors are worried about her fever not breaking, they've been running all these tests and they still can't figure out if it's the flu or pneumonia or something else. I'm worried about her and abby." Chris said.

"OH poor hope. How's Abby doing with all this." His mom asked.

"She hasn't left her bedside, it's been days mom and she hasn't slept or had anything to eat, i'm worried about her mom." Chris said

"I know you are honey, the best thing you can do for Abby is just be there to support her. Listen, why don't I bring you guys some food." His mom said

"Thanks mom, I think Abby would appreciate that. I'm gonna head back into hopes room. Just text me when you get here and I'll bring you up to the room." Chris said

"Ok. I'll see you soon." she said

After Chris hung up with his mom he headed back in and saw Abby had her head down on the bed neck to hope. Chris walked closer to the bed and saw Abby's eyes closed. But it didn't last long, Abby sat up and opened her eyes.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." Chris said

"I wasn't sleeping, I was just resting my eyes. Has the doctor been in yet." Abby said

"No, not yet. The nurse was in earlier to check her vitals but her fever still hasn't broken yet." Chris said

Abby ran her hands over her face, she placed her hands on her neck to work out the kinks. Chris moved Abby's hands and started rubbing her neck.

"Hey, why don't you go for a walk, maybe get some fresh air." Chris said

"No, I don't wanna leave her." Abby said, holding hope's hand.

Abby prayed for something anything to happen. All she wanted to do was take her little girl home, she wanted to curl up in bed and just hold her.

"I wanna take her home. I just wanna take her home and curl up in bed and snuggle her all night. God Chris, what if I never get to do that again." Abby said

"Don't think that way, you'll get to take her home, and sit on the couch and snuggle under that big cozy blanket and watch tv, and listen to her little laugh when she sees something funny, or hear her little snore when she's sleeping." Chris said

"How do you know she snores?" Abby said

Chris grabbed a chair and sat next to Abby.

"Well one night when i was hanging out with you guys, we were watching a movie I'm not sure what it was, some princess movie i think, i looked over and saw that the two of you had fallen asleep, hope was lying on your chest and i grabbed that big fluffy blanket you have on the back of the couch and placed it on you and when leaned down and gave hope a kiss on her head i heard the tiniest little snore coming from her and it just melted my heart." Chris said

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