Chapter 10

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"Come on baby girl you gotta eat." Abby said

It's been a couple days since Hope was born and Abby has started to feel human again. She was sitting in bed trying to get hope to breastfeed but she wasn't having any luck.

"Why won't she latch on?" Abby said

Chris was sitting in front of Abby trying to get her to calm down.

"Abby you've gotta relax, don't worry she'll do it you just need to be patient." he said

As Abby was trying, nurse Lori came in.

"Hey guys, how are we doing today?" she said

"I can't get her to latch on." Abby said

"That happens sometimes, it might take her a little longer, some babies are different, some latch on right away other's it takes time, don't stress out it'll happen." she said

"But what if I can't get her to breastfeed." Abby asked.

"Abby don't worry if hope won't breastfeed she'll just have to take formula." Chris said.

"But the books said that breast milk is better for her than formula." Abby said a frustrated tone to her voice.

Chris just looked up at nurse Lori for some reassurance.

"I think the reason she won't latch on is because she can tell that mommy is stressed out. So why don't I take her to the nursery, and I want you to try and relax ok, dad can you help her relax a little. I'll bring her back in an hour and then you can try again." nurse Lori said, taking hope back to the nursery.

Abby let out a heavy sigh. The frustration etched on her face.

"Hey, why don't you try and get some rest, i need to make a phone call, I'll be right out in the hall if you need me." He said kissing the top of her head.

Abby just nodded and watched him walk out of the room.

Out in the hall Chris made a call to someone he thought might be able to help Abby relax.

"Hey it's me, i was wondering if you might be able to come to the hospital, no, no I'm fine it's my friend, yeah the one i told you about, you will, great, i know I'm asking a lot but she's really stressed out, ok, I'll see you soon, thanks again." he said hanging up his phone.

After he was done he went back into the room and saw Abby sitting up in bed looking out the window.

When Abby heard the door open she looked and saw Chris coming in.

"That was a fast phone call." she said

"Yeah, I know I wasn't out there long, but how ya feeling." he asked, sitting down on the bed in front of her.

"I think my baby hates me." Abby said

"Abby she doesn't hate you." he said

"Then why won't she breastfeed, she doesn't want me." Abby said

"Abigail, listen to me, I don't know a lot about babies, but what I can see is that your stressing out and like nurse Lori said babies can sense that. Ok how bout i try something." he said

He got up and sat behind Abby and started rubbing her shoulders.

"Wow you are so tense, close your eyes and take a deep breath." Chris said

Abby did what Chris asked. She took a deep breath and blew it out.

"Their now your not so tense." he said

"What if I never get the hang of nursing, what if she never latches on, I just feel worthless right now." Abby said

"Hey your not worthless, your just stressed out and hope can sense that. You just need to relax." he said

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