Chapter two

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Harry spins around to find the shark nearly at the window behind Louis.

"Louis! Look out!"

He turns just as the shark crashes through the window. The creature bites widely. Harry barely moves fast enough. The shark snaps at his tail, and as he swivels to avoid the attack, he drops his bag. A brief flutter of panic fills his chest at the thought of losing his treasure, but his focus is quickly stolen as the shark angrily bares its teeth at them. Harry and Louis race out of the room and down the gangway. They swim as fast as they can. Harry's heart pounds. Getting eaten was definitely not part of his plan for today.

Harry pauses once they reach the other end of the ship. An eerie silence settles over them, making her tense. He realizes he doesn't hear the shark moving anymore.

"Harry . . ." Louis whispers.

He hesitantly looks around. Is it gone?

Crash! The shark suddenly bursts through the hull behind them. It's so close Harry can feel the heat of its breath on his tail. The shark's momentum sends it crashing to the floor, and Harry and Louis immediately take off. The shark doesn't stay down long, though. Its fin tears through the floor and rips up floorboards as it chases after them. They dive through another hole in the ship, but the shark smashes through the side wall, sending debris everywhere. Harry swims faster. He and Louis need to keep getting distance from the shark, and—

Harry freeze when he realizes he can't see Louis anymore. His gaze darts around frantically. Oh, Louis, where are you? He finally spots his hiding place—at the same time the shark does.

"Louis!" he cries. He has to do something—now. Though a hole in the wall, he catches a glimpse at his reflection in the mirror they uncovered earlier. An idea sparks.

It's not unusual for one of Harry's ideas to result from little planning and quick thinking. He does not hesitate. He pushes a loose barrel toward the shark. It looks up and trains its eyes on him. Its fierce teeth curve into an almost smile before it rockets towards him. Harry swims through the hole, back into the first room he was in.

Moments later the shark bursts through inside, heading straight forward. Harry can tell it's ready to devour him. Lucky for him, it doesn't notice that it is actually diving toward Harry's reflection. The shark crashes through the mirror, its body getting stuck in the heavy round frame.

Harry: one; shark: zero.

Louis immediately swims toward the real Harry.

For a moment they watch as the shark struggles in vain to escape. Harry then glances down and sees his bag of treasures where he dropped it. Relief floods through him. Can't leave here without this, he thinks. He grabs the bag and scoops Louis inside before speeding out of the ship.

The shark may be trapped, but Harry doesn't slow down until they make it to the edge of the ocean shelf near the water's surface. Beams of sunlight break through, brightening up the space in a way that makes it seem safer, more open. No sharks are hiding up here. Harry releases Louis from his bag and frowns as he notices his trembling.

"You okay?" he asks him. He can't help feeling a tiny bit guilty for almost getting his best friend eaten.

Louis tries to put on a brave face and nods. "Sure. I mean, I've seen bigger sharks." He puffs up in a show of bravado. "Just, you know . . . you can't back down. You gotta show them who's in char—ahh!" He darts for cover as a seabird suddenly dives through the water, racing past them.

Harry shakes his head. Some things never change. "Come back, Louis. It's just Sabrina."

They watch as their friend Sabrina, an eccentric seabird, grabs a minnow and surfaces. She dives back down to greet them and swims to the ledge.

the Little Mermaid (2023) [H.S. x J.C.]Where stories live. Discover now