Chapter twenty

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The trident falls onto the sea ledge only a moment before Harry reaches it. There's trenches, and suddenly the sand swirl up from below. Harry watches in wonder as his father appears, rising before him, wearing his crown, restored to his former self.

He can feel an enormous weight lifting from his shoulders. His father looks a bit worn and tired, but he's here and he's whole.

Michael's body relaxes as he sees Harry, as well. He looks at him with gratitude shining in his eyes. Harry is the one who should be grateful, though. He doesn't think he has ever been so happy to see his father.

He picks up the trident. "You gave your life for me," he says as he presents it to his father. He has never doubted his love for him, but with the number of disagreements they find themselves in, it is nice to have a powerful reminder that he would do anything for him.

Michael smiles proudly at his son as he takes the trident. "And you fought to get my life back."

"I didn't fight alone, Father. John was with me—"

He doesn't let him finish. "All that matters now is that you are safe, and home—where you belong."

Harry deflates, hit with a wave of resignation. Even after everything, his father still clings to his prejudices. He defeated Taylor, yet he feels like he still lost.
Exhausted, John drags himself ashore. As he slowly lifts himself to his feet, he sees that Harry's suit was washed up farther along the beach. Panic seizes him. What if he's not okay? What if he needs me?

He suddenly finds himself surrounded by a small crowd—Luke, the queen, Ashley, and several others from the castle. They make comments of relief at his well-being and try to direct him toward the castle, but John pulls away from them. He staggers back into the water. Harry needs him.

Luke hurries after him, reaching for his arm. "Sire, please—"

John shakes his head and pulls away again. "We need a boat, Luke. We have to find him."

"And then what?" his mother calls.

Her words stop John cold. The queen moves up beside him and puts a hand on his shoulder. She doesn't look at him with the tired frustration he'd expect this conversation to bring. Her expression is gentle, sympathetic. Somehow that's almost worse.

"Then what, my love?" she repeats.

John shakes his head. When does he expect? It's impossible for the two of them to be together now.

They're stuck in separate worlds. Love isn't enough to change that.

"You're right," he says, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I was chasing a fantasy boy."

"No, John." His mother gives his shoulder a comforting squeeze. "I was wrong." John wishes he could smile at that. Once upon a time, it would have thrilled him to hear his mother admit to being wrong about anything. All he feels right now is numbness.

His mother continues, her voice calls soft and earnest. "He was very real. I see that now. And so were your feelings for him. It's just that . . . this is how it had to end. Our worlds were never meant to be together."

John nods after a moment. Despite the ache in his chest, he has to accept the way things must be. He turns away and leads the trek back to the castle.
Michael likes to think to himself as a good king. He hopes he is, anyway. He has always worked hard to make sure that all merpeople and creatures of the sea are safe and happy. He remembers becoming king, when he was much younger than he is now. He was uncertain of every decision he made. Without his own parents to guide him, how was he supposed to rule the entirety of the Seven Seas?

the Little Mermaid (2023) [H.S. x J.C.]Where stories live. Discover now