Chapter four

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It's so colorful! That's Harry's initial thought at he takes in life above the sea. The sky is alight with explosives that scatter rainbows of color. He flinches as fire hits the water around him, but it doesn't lessen the grin that takes over his face. He has never seen anything like this before. This is the creativity he keeps trying to get his father to understand. The humans have made the night sky come alive!

The display mostly centers above a massive sailing ship, beautifully decorated with bright lanterns. The reddish Coral Moon hangs in the sky. Illuminating everything.

Music and human voices drift over to Harry. Intrigued, he swims toward them. He makes his way into a small lifeboat hanging from the ship's side. It doesn't let him view much more than a few legs and shoes dancing about, but he can hear people singing in celebration.


I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue


An' it's hey to the starboard, heave ho!
Heave ho!


Look out, lad, a mermaid be waitin' for you


In mysterious fathoms below


I'll sing you a song of the king of the sea


An' it's hey to the starboard, heave ho!
Heave ho!

John and Justin:

The ruler of all of the oceans is he


In mysterious fathoms below
Heave ho! Heave ho!
Heave ho! Heave ho

Harry smiles. Their merriment is contagious. Making sure to stay out of view, he shifts to better observe the sights and conversations before him.
One thing is undoubtedly true: even in the middle of the ocean, sailors know how to throw a celebration. Tonight's raucous fete is to celebrate Prince John's birthday.

Men cheer as they blast fireworks into the sky. The sailors pass around food and drink as someone plays a fiddle. John sits in the center of the deck, petting his fluffy sheepdog, Max, and grinning at the men around him as he joins them in bellowing an old shanty.

John finds himself getting into it, singing and dancing with his crew. He enjoys the rush that comes with such a carefree moment. For a little while he's able to forget that he's anything other than a regular sailor, unburdened by "proper" responsibilities. But alas, Luke doesn't allow it to last.

"Thank you, gentlemen, thank you." Luke grabs John by the arm and guides him away from the others.

"Come on, Luke. What's wrong with me having a little fun? Everyone else is." Luke is a good man, but boy, can he be a killjoy sometimes.

"You, sire," Luke says. "are not everyone else. It's time you separated yourself from the rest of the crew—"

"But I'm one of them," John interjects.

"—and behave in a manner more becoming to a future king," Luke continues, straightening his gait as if simply talking about royal matters demands proper posture.

John bristles. He hates being reminded that he's a prince, that he's close to becoming a king. "You mean I should be more like my father was," He says. "cut off from the rest of the world." It's not the first time they've had this discussion. It's time to get serious, John. You're not like everyone else. John knows that Luke means well. He's just trying to prepare him for the inevitable future, but every time they discuss it, John feels more and more like he is being led to a prison sentence.

the Little Mermaid (2023) [H.S. x J.C.]Where stories live. Discover now