Chapter fourteen

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John feels unexpected excitement buzzing through him the next morning. It increases when he makes his way out to the prepared horse and carriage. Luke is helping the boy into the carriage.

He hasn't noticed John yet, but he's already beaming with enthusiasm. He feels his own lips curve upward. He has a contagious smile. It lights up his entire face. John can tell he's eager to see his kingdom.

It has been a while since John has explored his own kingdom, but this excursion is the perfect reminder that every now and then the familiar can be fun to look at with a new perspective.

There's a happy bark as Max charges down the stairs and rushes to the carriage. He bounds up onto a box to say hello to the boy inside the carriage. He looks thrilled to see him, too, and immediately nestles the dog into a hug. Max licks his face, making him silently laugh.

The interaction leaves John with a warm feeling in his chest that he can't name. After a beat, he picks up Max and sets him back on the ground. "All right, all right," he says, giving the pup a pat. He turns to the boy and smiles. "Looks like you've made a friend there." He says goodbye to Max before climbing into the carriage and taking the reins. "Ready?"
Zayn peers out from behind the kitchen door and spies Harry on his way out with the prince. Panic races through him. "Oh, no. You're not going without me. I only got two days left. I'm a crab on a mission!"

He slips outside and sneaks from hiding place to hiding place, making his way toward the carriage. He's almost there when he's spotted by the prince's mangy mutt! Max barks and bounds toward Zayn.

Zayn freezes, terrified. "Oh no, no, no, no! Down, beast!"

He sees the carriage taking off and makes a mad dash for it. He narrowly avoids being caught by a Max and leaps onto one of the wheels. He orbits a few times before he's flung up onto the back of the carriage. Neither Harry nor John notices him.

"Yah!" He grins to himself. That landing was pretty impressive. "I still got it!"
Luke is closing the rear castle gates when Ashley comes out and stands alongside him. She squints at the retreating carriage.

"Who's that riding out with Prince John?" Her eyes widen slightly in recognition. "Is that the boy who washed up the other day?"

Luke nods, though his eyes remain straight ahead. "Yes, it is."

The head of household frowns. "Didn't Queen Monique tell John to stay in the castle?"

"Yes, she did."

Ashley raises an eyebrow at Luke's unbothered expression. "Won't you be getting into trouble for fetching him a carriage?"

The corner of Luke's mouth twitches. He gives her a pointed look. "What carriage, Ashley?" With that, he turns on his heel and goes back inside.

Ashley doesn't miss his full grin, though. She smiles brightly. Oh, this is going to be good!
John and Harry ride out to explore the island. Harry is intrigued particularly intrigued by how the carriage moves. John somehow controls it with the strange ropes in his hands.

He notices him watching and smiles. He offers the ropes to him. "Do you want to try? Here—"

The word is barely out before Harry takes the ropes and gives them a good snap, like he saw him do at the start of their ride. The carriage soars to an incredible speed that makes Harry's heart race.

"Look out, look out!" John yells. Harry manages to swerve to avoid a few other carts in the road.

"Sorry about that!" John calls over his shoulder. A vendor and his donkey give them an uninterested look in response. "That was close," John sighs, spinning back around. "Whoa! Watch the . . . turn!" John cries as Harry maneuvers the carriage just in time to miss a fruit stand on the side of the road. The move sands the carriage bumping over rocky terrain along the cliff's edge. They bounce along, but Harry keeps control of the carriage. What an incredible thrill. He loves it! He glances at John. A slightly dazed but impressed expression is on his face.

the Little Mermaid (2023) [H.S. x J.C.]Where stories live. Discover now