Chapter thirteen

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Michael narrows his eyes at his fidgeting daughters. Selena, Demi, and Miley have come with news of Harry. But it's unusual for the three of them to look this nervous at the same time. He figured that while Harry was still upset, he would be far more open to interaction with his sisters than with him.

"So," Michael says, gesturing for them to continue, "where is he?"

There's an extended silence as his three daughters shuffle anxiously, their gazes fitting between him, each other, and the seafloor. At that moment Michael knows that something is wrong. The throne room seems to darken around them.

Demi frowns. "We don't know, Father."

"He's gone," Selena adds.

Michael stills, an ominous feeling settling around him. "What do you mean he's gone?"

The worry on Selena's face does nothing to settle his nerves. "We've been looking for hours. There's no sign of him anywhere. He's not in these waters."

"Then look again!" Michael's hands curl into fists. It's all he can do to keep his anger from exploding. A merman cannot just disappear! He has to be somewhere. "Search all the Seven Seas if you have to!"

Demi leans in toward her sister. "Harry wouldn't dare go above again, would he?" she whispers, but not so quietly that Michael can't overhear. He stiffens at her words.

"Don't even think such a thing," Selena says, shaking her head. Harry wouldn't do something that reckless.

"Well, it doesn't make sense," Miley says. "Why would he leave?"

Selena's face falls. "I . . . I have no idea."

Guilt creeps through Michael as images of his last interaction with Harry replay in his mind. He hadn't seen him that upset in a long time.

He clears his throat uncomfortably. "Never mind that," he tells his daughters. It's not the time to dwell in the reasons for it. "Just find him!"

As his older daughters leave, Michael begins moving restlessly around the room. His guilt is overwhelmed by anger, and if he lets himself peel the layers back enough, maybe he is a little bit afraid.

Michael rubs a hand down his face. He suddenly feels exhausted. What does it say about him that after his years of warning and overprotection, all his fears still seem to be coming true? The image of Harry's broken expression flares in his mind again. He knows that he shouldn't have let his anger get the best of him. Maybe this is all his fault. He was already forced to say good-bye to his wife far too early. He can't say goodbye to his little boy, too.

No, he will find him. He will bring him home.

the Little Mermaid (2023) [H.S. x J.C.]Where stories live. Discover now