Chapter nineteen

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John is startled as Harry suddenly gasps and stiffens in pain. Confused, he follows his gaze down as wisps of green mist swirl up around him. What on earth?

His eyes widen as Harry's legs fuse together. Harry immediately begins to sink to the floor, prompting John to tighten his hold on him. He slowly looks down again, and where his legs once were is a large shimmery merman's tail.

With the exception of Nick's crazed laughter, it is dead silent.

"Harry . . .?" John begins, but he isn't sure what to say next. He wants to reassure him. He imagines he's probably frightened right now. Too many emotions are swirling inside him for him to form any proper words, though. Mostly shock, a little bit of confusion. And honestly, there's a tiny thrill blooming, too. The world under the sea—Harry's world, apparently—has long been an interest to him. Seeing him like this in front of him doesn't seem real.

It is no surprise, unfortunately, that others don't share the sentiment. Behind John, his mother staggers back, horrified. "Good Lord! He's a sea creature!"

Harry cowers at the queen's words, tucking his head down in humiliation. John feels an urge to wrap him up and hide him away from all the gaping stares.

Nick's cackling grows louder. "You're too late!" The queen, Luke, and all the guests gasp in horror as Nick's beautiful human body transforms into the unsettling half-squid form of the sea witch. He throws back his head and laughs manically. "You're too late!"

Releasing his tentacles, he attacks the party guests.

People scream and rush to get out of his radius. The sea witch takes off crawling toward Harry like a spider, his many tentacles dragging behind him. Without hesitation, John scoots in front of Harry to shield him.

"Stay back!" he calls, sounding much braver than he feels.

The sea witch barely exerts any effort as he knocks him aside with a tentacle.

"John!" Harry yells with panic in his voice.

He barely registers the pain. All he feels is an ice-cold rush of water as he watches the sea witch dive off the side of the terrace into the ocean below, taking Harry with him. John rushes to the railing, with the queen right behind him. She grips his arm.

"John, no! This is the work of the sea gods. I warned you! Their whole world is evil."

He's able to shake free from his mother's grasp. He won't listen to her. He doesn't care if Harry is a merman. They have a connection—one he never knew could be possible for him. There is no way he is going to let some unhinged squid man hurt him.

"John, wait!" his mother calls, but he races down the steps toward the water. He has to get to Harry. The queen hurries after him, calling out, but Luke stops her.

"Let him go, Your Majesty. Let him go."
Night has begun to fall as Taylor drags Harry down into the ocean. Harry fights him all the way, but his physical strength is no match for the sea witch. Flotsam and Jetsam follow close behind them.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks, still struggling. "Let go of me!"

"Not a chance. You made a deal, remember? Three days, no kiss." A grin full of mockery stretches across Taylor's face. "Is it all starting to come back to you?"

Harry stops fighting as the memory suddenly hits him. Three days to share true love's kiss. And if he failed? You belong to me, Taylor had said. Harry remembers feeling startled, feeling hesitant when Taylor made him deal inside a swirl of other decorative words and promises.

the Little Mermaid (2023) [H.S. x J.C.]Where stories live. Discover now