1) Special

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The young girl has a name. After all, everyone does. Even the murder victims that people never discover the identities of are given one. Jane Doe. A casual seeming name for something so grim is odd, but so are a lot of things.

A current example is the young girl named Y/N. Between her bold E/E/C yet empty eyes and the way she always has a faint smell of lavender, she almost didn't seem natural. There's no surface level explanation. Her clothes are always washed, and her hair is always tied out of her face so you can see every blemish and faint mark there is.

The focus will always be on her eyes though. While eyes are supposed to be the window to the soul, hers held nothing. It's almost as if she was born without one.

As stated earlier, that's only just the tip of the iceberg.

It was especially sunny and bright the day they killed her mother. No clouds gave even a hint of the storm that was about to follow. Except, it wouldn't come from nature. It would come from WCKD. It always does.

The actual weather was the same as always. Scorching and carrying the ability to burn people's skin. That's why she was inside the house with her mother. Despite the burning hunger in her stomach and how her mouth was so dry she didn't seem to have an ounce of saliva left, she didn't complain. She simply sat in her mother's lap as she carefully brushed the knots out of her hair. To the young girl it seemed like she had been doing this for hours, but she didn't exactly have anything better to do.

As they sat in a peaceful silence there was a sudden knock on the door. The girls mother stopped what she was doing and placed her daughter on the couch. Placing a finger to her lips, the girl did it back to show that she understood.

Pretending everything was okay so her daughter wouldn't lose control, the mother took a step towards the door and opened it.

"Can I help you?"She asked, her raspy voice due to a lack of use.

"You know what we're here for. Step aside,"The guard demanded in a tone sharp enough to cut skin.

"There's nobody here but me,"She insisted, going to shut the door. Before she could the guard stuck his foot in it. In a second he swung it open with a bang causing it to hit her head. The force knocked her to the ground. In an instant there was a crack and blood staining the wooden floor.

Y/N wanted to scream. She wanted to throw a tantrum and demand they wake her mom up. She wanted to run to her body and hug her and tell her she'd be okay.

She was weak though. With almost no food or water in her system she didn't even know if she could stand.

Because her vision was blurry from this she told herself there wasn't any dark red on the floor, and that she had only imagined that cracking sound when she fell. She told herself the people standing there were just shadows and this would be over soon.

She didn't make a sound though. She had silently promised her mother she wouldn't speak when she put a finger to her lips. She couldn't bear to break it now.

That's not what the WCKD guards saw though. To them she had no reaction or feeling towards watching her mother die. Even if it was an accident for once, they thought that she should be giving them any sign that she cared. After all, her mother's body was covered in a dark crimson liquid right in front of her.

In her mind if she kept telling herself if she thought it wasn't real it wouldn't be.

In their minds she was special. They had to know more about her brain.

She wasn't though. She was traumatized and trying to keep her promise to her dead mom, and they saw something else entirely. That response though and the promise she gave would be her downfall.

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