11) Strangely Sweet

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Y/N cried as they prodded her with machines and pricked her with needles. Screaming as loud as she could, WCKD now knew that she could feel things. Still, at one point she seemed unable to, and they had to get her back to that state. Because if everything went according to plan the ends would justify the means.

"Please! Please! I want my mommy!"the girl shrieked. Because she may not be able to remember her face, but she was aware she had had one. Parents protected their kids, and that was all she wanted.

"No! No! No!"She cried, thrashing her feet. It was no use though as the restraints kept her tied down.

"You're gonna be fine,"a guard sighed, pulling more blood from her already bruised arm.

"No! No!"She begged.

"It's gonna be-"
"NO! LET ME OUT!"She yelled, her cries almost strangled.

From a few sections above Aris lay awake on his bed. Something just felt wrong to him. More than usual.


All that could be heard though was whispers. Still, they forget about something. The vents. While it may not have been much, her pleas for help were loud enough to be barely heard.

They were though. By him. And Aris may not know what the person was saying or who they were, but he heard the fear.

Slowly getting on the ground, he put his ear to the ground. Focused solely on that, he heard the words kill, feel, and experiment. Could it be? Could it truly be her?

As he tried to think of what to do, how he could get to her, he heard something more terrifying than the cries for help.

Silence. Everything was silent.

Your P.O.V

I finally got my hands on a bottle of Advil. From what I've heard, it's really good for getting rid of headaches. Hopefully, it gets rid of his.

Keeping my head high, I turned a corner as I came to the now familiar door. Without really waiting, I knocked before pressing the keycard to the pad. When it beeped and turned green I opened the door. Keeping it that way, I looked amongst the group of boys. They were simply talking on two of their beds, laughing and fooling around.

All except for one. The exact person I was looking for.

As the others stared at me I waved him over. Doing so, he stood outside the door with me. Shutting it, I took his hand and led him to my room.

"Where are we going?"

"You're going to take a nap,"I said simply.

"I couldn't in there?"

"No. I could hear them from outside the door. They were being too loud. Plus, the lights are on."

"Where else am I supposed to sleep?"

"Right here,"I shrugged, turning down the isolated hall. Keeping his hand in mine, I walked to the very end. Now in the place I seem to always avoid for some reason, I took the key that only worked for this door and unlocked it. Swinging it open, I let him in.

"I'd never think I'd be so grateful for so little color,"He mumbled. Slowly shutting the door so it wouldn't echo, I listened to it click shut.

Pulling his shoes off, he took a seat on my bed. Grabbing the plastic cup by my bedside, I filled it with sink water. In the meantime, he slowly laid his head on my pillow.

Returning, I sat beside him and handed him the glass. Uncapping the bottle, I grabbed two and put it in his open palm. Nodding at me, he quickly took them. When he did, he just took another drink, seeming completely at ease.

"By the way, you're in love with me now,"I remembered. Coughing on the drink for some reason, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve before staring at me. "Yes. I convinced Janson that you have to be around me because you're in love with me. I said I was using that to manipulate you."

"Context, Y/N. Context is something people usually start with,"He sighed, taking another sip before handing it back. Placing it on my nightstand, I went to leave only for him to grab my hand. "Where are you going?"

"The floor. I'm going to sit by my door and sew."

"Sounds good,"He mumbled, laying back down. Curling up on his side, he put his hands under his head as he shut his eyes.

Sitting on the ground, I grabbed my small box. Pulling out my scrap fabric, I kept working on the small blue blanket that I would shove under my bed with the others when I was finished with and forget about. I have no use for them, and soon I won't even be able to use them.

Sighing, I looked at the other eleven of different colors hidden in plain sight. It is a shame that they'll never be used by someone. They are quite lovely and take weeks worth of work.

Oh well. Maybe someone will find them when they go through my room and give it to another subject. That would definitely be something.

Aris's P.O.V

I felt strangely calm. Even though every other time I fall asleep I'm paranoid the entire time, I was relaxed.

Opening my eyes, I found myself staring at a roof instead of a bunk. Quickly sitting up, I tried to remember what the hell happened as I looked around what was definitely not my dorm.

"It's good that you're up. I was about to have to wake you."

"What did you give me?"I mumbled, remembering the oddly normal events. Still, I swear I was just knocked out.

"Advil. To help with your headache."

"Right. That,"I nodded, throwing my legs over her bed. Tossing my shoes on, I ran my hands through my hair to fix it as I stood up.

"Hold still,"She instructed, standing in front of me. Slightly running her fingers through my hair, she brushed it out. Not seeming to understand that she was inches from my face, she made me presentable again. "Much better,"She stated, taking my hand again. She's definitely gotten comfortable with me then. Or maybe her not understanding the concept of personal space applies to everyone.

I hate to say it, and I never will aloud, but I don't exactly mind. She's sweet. Even if nobody else sees it, even if she's sort of strange at times, she's somehow one of the kindest people I've met. Granted, that's only fifty girls and a few neutral and less than pleasant interactions with people here, but that's definitely still something.

Experiment 101 (Aris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now