4) Promises

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Without a word the train lurched to a stop. Being the only one awake, Y/N put her arm out to stop Aris from falling. The kid next to her wasn't as lucky, but she hardly noticed. The people she cares for come before anyone else, and as much as she tried not to she had quickly become attached to Aris. On this short ride that felt like years they told each other things that they would never repeat. At least, not to others. That part of the story comes later though, when everything changes.

"What happened?"Aris asked, feeling an arm on his chest. Y/N removed it as he kept his gaze on her.

"I think that we're here,"She stated, her tone purposely monotone to avoid him knowing just how much it would hurt to be separated from him.

"Okay,"He nodded, not knowing what else he could possibly say. He knew that this hurt her, but he was aware that she wasn't someone who accepted comfort. So even though he felt an ache in his heart he pretended the way they were most likely about to be apart didn't break him.

Seconds later their suspicions were confirmed when masked people opened the door. One by one they started calling names in alphabetical order. Realizing he would be on the top of the list he tried to think of the right words to leave her with.

"I'm going to see you again. I don't know when or where or how, but we will see each other one day,"He spilled.

Biting her tongue, she didn't say that she didn't know why he was so sure. Instead, she left him with something she actually meant.

"If I don't I'll miss you forever. I'll remember you. I'll remember the kind boy I met after the worst moment of my life,"She blurted out.

Surprised at the sudden emotion in her speech and voice he quickly hugged her. Going still for a moment, he pulled away. Then, they called his name.

Being the one to catch him off guard this time, she gave him one last hug until who knows how long. Accepting the embrace, they only pulled apart when his name was repeated. Without a word he pulled away and started walking towards the people who were going to destroy his life.

Pulling her knees to her chest, she still didn't cry. So focused on not showing any signs of vulnerability, a guard to notice of how nonchalant she seemed about the world. In his head he made a mental note to try something that had never been done before.

She was going to make the perfect worker.

Your P.O.V

Walking along in silence, I feigned ignorance at the way he was almost shaking with nerves. Knowing it was about to get much worse, I didn't dare turn to face him as I opened the door. The door that would show everything that had been hidden from the world. I knew what was inside, but I had never seen it with my own eyes. Today I would though. He wanted to know the secrets of this place or he thought he did.

Stepping into the place I had walked past so many times yet never entered, I looked at the kids attached to machines I didn't recognize. Staring at the way they didn't react to anything, I walked over to someone. A boy that had throwing paper at me in the cafeteria.

I wonder if this could have been different if he had talked to me like Aris had been willing to. I wonder if he could have escaped.

"I'm sure you were scared, and it sucks that you're stuck like this. I saw you laugh with your friends a lot. That must have been nice,"I whispered to him. As expected I was met with nothing but heavy breathing. "So yeah. I'm sure you were a good person if that many people liked you, and I bet they miss you. So sorry that this was the way it ended for you,"I murmured.

I don't know why I was compelled to apologize for something out of my hands, but I did. For once, I'm not sure why what I just did seemed right. At least, I think it was right. I hope it was.

Turning back around, I saw him in front of the only person I would expect him to. In front of Rachel, looking her up and down. I watched as he gently pushed her hair out of her face.

Letting him have his moment with her, I walked back to the door and stared out the window in case anyone was coming. If nobody came I would let him stay with Rachel until we had no choice but to go back.

Hearing him say something to her, I tuned his words out so he could say whatever he needed without anyone else overhearing. The only noise I focused on was the possibility of footsteps.

Being so immersed in ignoring everything, I didn't hear him walk next to me. Not until he tapped my shoulder. As if I was acting on instinct I moved further away, shuddering at his cold fingers.

Even though it may not be the time I couldn't help but freeze at the way I think I had felt something. I don't quite know what or if I was imagining it. I also wasn't going to ask. All I did was lead us out of here.

Aris's P.O.V

As she led me into a hall, I held my breath as I tried to prepare for what was behind the next door. When the sound of it being opened and a blue light shone bright enough to reveal rows upon rows of what it was though, I realized nothing, absolutely nothing, could have done that.

Feeling a chill run up my spine, I kept following her in. Without a word or explanation she started walking by everyone in this state of death. When she came near the very end she stopped in front of someone and stared at them.

Regaining the ability to move (something I didn't even realize I had lost) I heard the ringing I didn't even know was there stop. Only it wasn't real. That's just the amount of horror running through my veins.

Because I recognized a lot of the people here. These were the people who had their names called. The kids that were supposed to go to the Safe Zone.

Now they're being strung from the ceiling with needles in their arms and masks on their faces.

Holding back tears, any false hope I had was demolished when I saw her. The one person I had cared about in here. The only person I had left.

"Rachel,"I whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The only response was even yet heavy breathing. She was gone. Just like that.

She can't be though. I promised her that she would be okay. I promised I would get her out. I promised to protect her. I promised. I always keep my promises.

Not this one though. Not the most important one I could ever make. Not the one that would have saved her life.

"I'm sorry,"I uttered, letting her hair fall back into her face. Wiping tears from my eyes, I took several deep breaths as I tried to bring myself back down. Because as cruel, as heartwrenching as reality is, if I left it everything would be only be worse when something inevitably snapped me back in.

So even if I absolutely despise it with every part of me, I don't have a choice but to live it.

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