9) The First Floor

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It was all becoming too much for the little girl. The months of torture and isolation broke something inside of her as she just laid on her floor, staring at the ceiling with nothing on her face. No fire, no anger, no pain, no anything. There was just emptiness.

On the other side of things Aris was starting to fit in with some of the others. He found himself drawn to Newt but was fond of Minho as well. If he was just a little more attached they could have been a trio. He had gotten used to the way Alby has them under their own set of unspoken rules and Siggy called himself Frypan and snuck food from the kitchen. Even Gally challenging people to arm wrestling matches and doing push ups at five am was just accepted.

He really found himself attached to Rachel, Harriet, and Sonya though. While it was odd, it was a close and very needed friendship.

Y/N though, was the one he was always looking for. Always.

Sitting on his bed, he looked up from his sketchbook and at the empty bed next to him, wondering if one day she would fill it. If she did, that would also fill the void in his heart.

"I'm sorry you haven't found her,"Newt apologized, taking a spot beside him.

"It's good that you still have Sonya. You were really worried about her."

"Aris, you can't-"
"It's fine. Honestly. I don't even think about her anymore,"He lied.

"And that's why you're drawing her again?"He sighed. Glancing down, he indeed saw that he drawn her at the cafeteria table where he wanted her to be again.

Ripping the page out, he folded it and put it with the others under his bed.

"I just don't understand. I didn't know her for long, but she's still so important to me. How?"

"Maybe a love at first sight thing?"He suggested.

"I am not in love with her,"He scoffed. "Am I?"

"I don't know. Maybe. Probably,"He answered honestly. Pulling his knees to his chest, he just closed his eyes Newt patted his shoulder.

"This really sucks,"He mumbled, glaring at the empty bed that was just taunting him at this point.

"Yeah. It does,"He agreed.

From two floors down Y/N was half asleep but wide awake. It had been so long since she had physically been able to close her eyes.

So, in her painful yet numbing journey, she repeated this word that brought her some kind of warmth.

"Aris, Aris, Aris,"She whispered, not knowing why she was saying it but knowing that she had to.

"Janson?"the Chancellor asked, glancing over as they listened from the cameras.


"I want those two in the same room. The second she stops saying his name, those two need to meet,"She said firmly.

"What if he does something to distract her though?"

"Maybe he will, but he's probably her closest hope to sanity. Even if she won't remember, he's going to be the only thing that'll keep her safe. We can't risk losing that. Because if we lose him we lose her."

Your P.O.V

As always, I took my seat across from Aris, eating my breakfast as I tuned everything but him out.

"What we heard last night, I've been thinking about it, and I'm scared that I know who they were talking about,"He admitted.

"Who do you believe they were conversing about?"I asked, spreading my jam on my biscuit.

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