8) Charlie

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She didn't want to be there. She wanted to be at home with her mom or even on the train with her best friend. She had been safe with him. Truly safe.

Suddenly, she regretted not learning his name. He was good, and she truly knew that. She just needed to have a little more faith, though she was never good at that.

"What did you think about on the train?"the guard repeated. She didn't say anything as she gazed right through him. "Well?"He repeated. The little girl just stared at the pile of papers near his elbow. To be more specific, a bunch of files. Even more importantly, a younger version of Aris was on it. Besides his hair just a little more in his eyes and his skin looking less burnt it was obvious who it was. It was the boy on the train.

"Who is that?"She demanded to know, pointing at it.

"What's it to you?"He asked quickly.

"Who is that boy? What is his name?"She repeated.

"That's none of-"
"I'll answer all of your questions,"She bargained, peaking his interest.

"Seriously? No food? Water? Sleep? You just want his name?"

"Who is that?"

"His name is Aris. Aris Jones,"He shrugged. Y/N repeated the name under her breath before looking back up at him and getting ready for the long night. With the strength of this new knowledge she knew that she could get through this.

In his new room, Aris sat on his bed with the other boys. Just a little ways across from him was Newt who had been debating asking him about it. Eventually, curiosity and the human want to be around people, won.

Standing up, he quickly walked over with almost silent footsteps. Staying at the foot of his bed, he waited for Aris to notice him. After a moment of him just sitting there sulking he looked up to pop his neck only to see the blonde boy.

"Hey,"Newt greeted.

"Hi?"He said back as a half question.

"So you lost your sister too?"

"What?"He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"The girl on the train with you. Was that your sister?"He clarified.

"No. That was my best friend,"He mumbled.


"Yeah,"He almost whispered. When silence filled the air he realized that he just wanted someone to talk to. "You had a sister?"He asked, feeling stupid the second the words left his mouth. Judging by the fact that he had just said that he probably did. That would be a pretty dumb and crappy thing to lie about.

"Yeah. Her name is Sonya,"He answered, feeling the pain cling to his chest the way he had clung to her.

"Do you want to tell me about her?"He offered, moving over. Newt instantly sat next to him in the bed, crossing his legs and keeping his hands in his lap. Aris leaned against the wall as he looked at him expectantly yet patiently.

"She's blonde like me and kept her hair in a braid. That's how I learned to do them and why. Hazel eyes, a bright smile, a little younger yet more intimidating. Still sweet to everyone she loved, willing to die for them. That's probably what scares me most about this place. Knowing that she has a fiery spirit but being alone. They just took her from me. They-they killed our parents. We were all we had a day ago,"He explained. Aris listened with interest, nodding every now and then to reassure him that he was. Only when he stopped talking for a good minute did he express his sadness that his family had been ripped away from him. "What about you?"Newt asked.

"They didn't kill my mom, because she was out getting stuff for us. They shot my dad in the head,"He explained, feeling guilty for saying it so casually. Still, he didn't know how to say it. With tears? Shaking with rage?

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