Chapter 16 there back

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Chapter 16

1 week later.

"Oh my god." Kelsey yelled looking at her phone.

"What?" I asked as I walked passed Harry. Then he pulled me on his lap making me let out a squeal and I started giggling. I curled up in his lap.

"Mom and dad are coming home in 5 hours." She said. I looked up and stopped giggling.

"WHAT!" I screeched.

"Okay Kelsey Natalie we have to get you guys back home and put your stuff away." Niall said.

"Okay Niall, Liam, Daniel, Zayn come with me." Kelsey said.

"Every one else help me." I said. We all ran up stairs and we started packing. We finished about 1 hour later. We raced to the house and put all the cloths away.

"Hello we're home." My mom yelled.

"Ohs shit shit shit." I said looking around.

"Window." Kelsey pointed.

"Okay well bye babe." Niall said kissing Kelsey and jumping out the window. Everyone but Harry went.

"Natalie meat us in the park by the woods at 3:00." He said as I kissed him and he hopped out the window.

"GIRLS." Dad yelled.

"COMING." We both yelled at the same time and ran down stairs.

"Heyyy! We missed you." I said hugging both of them. So did Kelsey.

"We missed you to." Dad said carrying his bags to his room.

"Okay Girls I know we just got back but we have to go to Ghana to help the kids there." Mom smiled.

"REALLY!?" I asked.

"Yeah." Mom said.

"The problem is we will have to stay there for 1 year or less." Dad said.

"Well it's fro a good reason though." Kelsey stated.

"So your okay with it?" Dad asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Okay well Aunt Berta will be by every Friday." Mom said.

"Okay well when do you leave?" Kelsey asked.

"In 4 days." Dada answered.

"WOW that soon?" We asked.

"Yep and since you guys graduate in 3 days we will be here to see it." She smiled.

"Okay." I smiled.

"Well we have lots of paper work. So run along." Mom said.

"Okay Love you guy's." We said at the same time we ran up stairs.

"I'm gonna call Harry and tell him." I said whipping out my phone. I dialed his number.


"Hey Harry so my parents are leaving for Ghana to help sick kids and they are gone for a whole year." I said.

"Thats great!" He said.

"Yeah I guess." I said passing the room.

"Yeah so want to meet up in 10 minutes?" He asked.

"Yeah sounds good." I smiled.

"Okay see you soon." He said.

"Love you." I said

"Love you too." He answered and then hung up.

"We are meeting them in 10 minutes." I said stuffing my phone in my pocket.

"Sounds good but what shall I wear?" Kelsey asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged. Kelsey smiled and turned on some music and we sang and danced to different songs while getting ready. Kelsey wore a red longish tank top with her blue skinny jeans. She had on white TOMS and her grey beany. I put on my white floral tank top, some skinny jeans, my grey TOMS, and my light pink cardigan that went with the top. We both applied make up that made our eye's stand out. Then we headed to the woods by the park. When we got there we were greeted by the gang and we discussed all the plans and the things that are going to happen in the next couple days due to my parents coming and going like this and my aunt checking in on us. We made a plan and then we were told by Harry to spread out and just act normal.

"So Harry your a big time crime artist now huh?' I asked him.

"Oh yeah i'm well known." He smiled. I looked down at my empty hand and his. I think he saw me because he intertwined his long fingers with mine. I looked up at him and went a little closer to him.

"So tell me more about your situation." He said looking forward.

"Well you know about the parents and the family and the life style I have. Ummm well I don't really like sad movies because they make me cry. I like scary movies. My favorite color is green. What else is there to tell." I said.

"Can you tell me if your hungry or not?"

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