Chapter 25 Ever Lasting Love

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Natalie's POV

It's Harry's first day at court he has a great lawyer but the other lawyers looked more threatening. He was put in jail for murder and they already set his bail at one mill. They said it was because he had a bad background.

I watched them take Harry to his seat. He looked so handsome in his suit and tie. His hair slicked up and out of his eyes. His green eyes. Before we went in he asked me to wear something appropriate something that would make his stay calm. Something that other guys wouldn't drool over. He's such a protective boyfriend.

Honoring his wishes I was dressed in light jeans, the bottoms of the jeans didn't cover my ankles and my shoes didn't connect with the jeans. I have a dark cream color tank top that was a bit flowey, on that was covered with a short black cardigan that had the ability to button but I didn't. I had a black over the shoulder black bag. On my index finger was a ring with little boxes that were formed into a diamond the ring itself was gold. I have a necklace on. Attacked to the small gold chain was a largish gold cross placed sideways. My hair in its

They placed him down unlocking his hand cuffs. He rubbed his wrists and waited patiently for his lawyer who came shortly after. When they started the boys sat on one side of me and Kelsey, Sam, Hannah, Jordan, and Sam sat on my other side to support me. Plus They were going to be there when I cry cause I know I will.

"Everybody rise for judge Burton." A police officer said. Everyone stood up as he can in and sat on his thrown of the court.

"Your honer we would like to call Mr. Rick Calma to the stand." The opposite lawyer said. Harry looked back at me nervously I gave him a small smile in returns to ease him. I saw the man that had brutally attacked me and almost killed me. He smoothly walked up to the stand passing me winking at me. I looked down finding my hands. I was hoping they would occupy me until this was over.

"Do you promise to the truth only and nothing but the truth so help you god?"

"I do." He said.

"You may proceed." The officer said.

"Mr. Calma can you tell us what Parker tried to do with Mr. Styles girlfriend." The lawyer asked Rick.

"Well Harry and Parker were business partners before I came. Parker said that when Harry got his girlfriend Uhh Natalie is it. Well Parker said Harry had a bad past and he would hurt her. We thought something would happen to us if we called the cops."

"Objection relevance?" Harry's lawyer said standing up.

"Withdraw." The other lawyer questioning Rick said narrowing his eyes at Harry. He sat back down.

"Your witness Counselor ." The judge said. Harry's lawyer stood up and walking closer to Rick.

"I under stand you have a domestic abuse charge agents you, filed by Ms. Hayes." He said.

"Yes it was a misunderstanding." Rick smiled.

"How she has bruises all over her. She practically died and she got shot by your precious partner Parker." Harry's lawyer's voice intensified a bit.

"Parker didn't shoot her." Rick said.

"We have evidence saying other wise. We have the tap of Parker sneaking into the graduation with a gun" The lawyer said as a tv was rolled in.

He grabbed the remote and played the tap.

Harry's POV

"Parker didn't shoot her." Rick defended himself. I glanced behind my shoulder and saw Natalie star helplessly at him as he spoke. I couldn't help but feel like it was all my fault.

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