Chapter 3 Him

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Natalie's POV

"WHAT!" She yelled stopping in the hallway.

"I didn't answer." I said continuing to walk.

"WHAT WHYYYYYY!" She wined.

"Because I don't date bad boys." I said.

"Natalie you need to get over that." Kelsey stated.

"Kelsey I don't like bad boys for a reason." I said opening my locker.

"Natalie you need a guys in your life." Kelsey said.

"No I don't."

"Nat your parents are dead and your living with me." You need a guy to take care of you." Kelsey said leaning against the lockers next to mine and hugging her books.

"Kelsey drop it never going to happen." I said getting the books for my next class and shutting my locker.

"How about you answer me." Harry said as I shut the door and saw his face.

"AHH oh my god." I said passing him.

"Hey." He said grabbing my arm tightly. "Don't be a bitch."

"First of all let go of me." I said shoving his hand away. "Second why me?"

"Your hot and I like you." He said. "And when I want something I get it or I take it for myself."

"Well have fun finding someone else it's not going to be me." I said. Again he grabbed my arm.

"Don't just walk away." He said. I could hear the anger in his husky voice.

"Would you stop." I said "The bell already rang and I'm going to be late."

"Well I want to go out with you." He said.

"NO." I said very clearly and turned to walk away. I bumped into a black tee shirt.

"Turn around." Zayn said. Zayn is one of the bad boys. I guess on of Harry's friends now.

I backed up and hit Harry. I spun around. I'm now terrified. I pasted Harry and almost hit Liam. Another bad boy and Harry's friends. Again I backed away. I looked around. All the bad boys were around us. Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry the new one. They surrounded us.

"Lets try this one last time." Harry said. I looked into his eyes.

"Okay." I said.

"Will you go out with me Friday night?" He asked.

"Uhhhhhh Ummmm." I looked at the evil smiles on each of their faces.

I don't think I have a choice.

"Sure." I said. Harry let out a different smile a more happy smile. the boys all walked away along with Harry and they were talking to each other.

I let out a huge breath. Now I'm late to my class and I have to go on a date with Harry.

I walked into class.

"Ahhh Ms. Natalie." My teacher said.

"Sorry I was late I had an issue." I said sitting in my seat.

"We will talk after class." She said giving me a rude look and turned toward he board.

Oh dear lord.

After class

"Natalie why were you late?" Mrs. Tye asked.

"I am on my period and I have to change." I lied.

"Oh well that's okay you may go." Mrs. Tye said.

That's how nice she is. Thank god. Okay well that's my last class I need to go home.

"Kelsey. There you are. lets go home please." I said.

"Okay I'm so tired. I have so much home work and the teachers in this place." Kelsey said as we walked toward the car.

I smiled and I felt someones eyes burn into my skin. I turned m gaze slightly to the right.

"Oh god." I said walking faster.

"What what." Kelsey whispered.

"Harry is staring at me." I said. "He's watching me every move"

Kelsey was looking strait at them.

"Kelsey don't look." I said pulling her slightly.

"HEY BOYS HOW YOU DOIN?" She screamed.

"Oh my god." I said now running to the car.

"Why did you run?" She laughed hopping in the car.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"You weren't going to do it so I had to." She said putting the keys in the ignition and starting her car.

"So I didn't want to. He is a bad boy. He's not for me." I said.

"Yeah sure! He's hot he's got that look about him." She said. "He's perfect for you."

"No he's not." I argued.

We drove home. when we got home we ran up stairs to our bedroom. Our room is a beautiful green color. Our ceiling was purple and we had a cool chandler like light that hung down. It was a huge huge huge room. There were two beds. Mine was different shades of purple. Kelsey's was different shades of green. We have so much clothes. We have a flat screen in front is both beds. Okay Kelsey's parents are rich. her mom is a world wide known doctor. Her dad owns a hospital and he's a lawyer. He's really talented. Kelsey hates it when people point that out she hates how people take advantage of her and just want to be friends with her for the money. That's why she switched schools she was in a school for all girls then she moved back to the school I was in 9 years ago. The next year my parents died. Her parents are the nicest people I've ever met they took me in and did everything for me. They were my parents know.

I hopped on my and started my homework.

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