Chapter 13 Wait what?

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Okay the dumb person I am I messed up with the chapters. So here chapter 13.

Chapter 13

I looked back and pointed the flash light toward the ground. Kelsey was laying there lifeless.

"KELSEY!" We screamed rushing to her side. Her body must be killing her. My ribs hurt. I wasn't even beaten compared to her. She had pain every inch of her body. Since then we have both herd buzzing every 3 hours. Thats how bad this was.

"Kelsey are you okay?" I asked.

"No my body feels stunned like it can't move." She said. "It feels like my whole body just fell asleep and is waking up. It hurts."

"We can carry her." Perry offered.

"Well we can try." I said.

"Lift on three." Daniel said. "One...Two..."

We were interrupted by foot steps getting closer.

"Three three." Perry said quickly as we started to pick her up and we crouched down behind a rock.

"I know I herd voices." A deep husky voice said. Wait I know that voice.

"Harry." I whispered.

"Natalie?" He asked confused and happy. I bolted from be hind the rock and tackled him.

"Niall help Kelsey." I said not letting Harry go.

"Why did you leave." Harry said irritated.

"Because we were bored and there was a hole in the wall." I said.

"Well this hole leads to the woods." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said lowering my head.

"It's okay just don't do it again." He said lifting my chin up.

"Is this Kelsey's blood." I herd Niall gasp.

"No it was from the walls." Eleanor explained.

"Never mind that lets get back." Harry said.

Niall carries Kelsey back and he had to run so they were the last out. Harry never let go of my hand. While we were running his curls bounced so perfectly it was amazing. He looked so determined. Anyway when we got out of the hole Harry demanded that I go to bed and I did. I had another bad dream but this time instead of Louis with a plunger it was Harry.

"Babe are you okay." He said bursting threw the door.

"Yeah just a bad dream." I said.

"Oh okay." He said.



"Can you stay with me i'm scared." I whimpered.

"Of course." He said excitedly.

He walked over and crawled into my bed and slide his body under the covers. His warm body pressed against mine. I could feel his body heat. His hands folded over me and he held me tight. He lay his head in the crook of my neck. He made small circles on my back. I felt safe and comfortable for the first time. I still can't believe I got involved with him. When he fell asleep I could feel his warm breath on my neck. His curls tickled my back slightly. I smiled and let the dreams set in.


Harry's POV.

I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in. Natalie was still in my arms and she was sleeping. I carefully unwrapped my arms and slide out of bed with out disturbing her. I creeped around the bed and took a glance at her. She was so adorable when she slept. I walked down stars and saw Louis and Eleanor making out on the couch.

"Louis get a room." I said walking passed them.

I walked into the kitchen to find Niall in the fridge.

"Where is the milk." He asked as I sat on a stool at the bar. He finally pulled the milk out and stood up straight satisfied.

"Did you sleep okay you look like shit." I said as he pored milk into a bowl.

"No I was to worried Kelsey was sleeping and I felt like something was wrong and I kept hearing a buzzing noise." He said giving me a bowl of cereal.

"Oh well I herd a buzzing noise but I was to tired to listen to it." I said shoveling cereal into my mouth.

"Well we must be hearing things." Niall shrugged.

"Yeah probably." I said.

"So you really like Kelsey huh?" I chuckled.

"Yeah I do." He smiled. "You really like Natalie?"

I smiled and played with my cereal.

"Yeah she's my everything know." I said looking up.

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