Chapter Maybe Theres A Chance For Happiness

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Chapter 22

Natalie's. POV

"We will give you a minute to say your good byes to Harry." The nurse said.

I was the last to go. Save the best for last I guess.

I lay my forehead on his and let my tears hit his dry skin. His pink lips were cracked and his skin was so dry. I just wasn't ready for him to die. More tears pored down my face.

"Harry I love you and I always have since the first time we talked. You were so nice and sweet to me. I will never let you slip my mind once. I love you! I really wish I knew why you are dead. I wish I knew who did this because they deserve to die. They deserve the pain you have." I said through soft cries. I lifted my forehead from the pool of tears sitting on his forehead.

"I love you!" I whispered as I stood straight up. "And I hope you love me too."

"Nat it will be okay." Kelsey comforted.

"Kelsey I have had to watch them unplug my parents. Both my mum an dad. I don't think I can see my boyfriend get unplugged too" I said.

She hugged me even closer. I felt safe but not at safe as I did when Harry held me. When he held me I could feel his body heat. His chin rested perfectly on my head. Sometimes I could fell his breath if his forehead was on my head. Other times I could feel a warm puff of air from his nose. His protective hug was when his arm almost wrapped around my whole body and his fingers curled around my shoulders or wait depending on the hug.

"It will be okay they are all with you every second of every minute of every hour of every day." Kelsey said giving me a faint smile.

"Okay this might sound weird." The nurse said.

"What will happen?" I asked threw sobs. I now I saw them unplug my parents but I didn't ask what would happen I was little. The doctors and nurses told me to plug my ears an hold their hands. So the doctors plugged my ears and I held my parents hands. I didn't know anything about how this works.

"Well this will start beeping fast then stop. This will stop making a sound. I'm sorry for your loss." She said unplugging something. Then the breathing sound stopped. I started to panic.

"No plug it back in. Plug him back in." I said quickly reaching out for the plug. Kelsey pulled me back.

We waited about 4 minutes for the monitor to make to long beeping notice and it never happened.

"Weird." The nurse said.

"What?" I asked.

"His heart should have stopped 3 minutes ago." She said checking his plus.

"He-he's still alive." She chocked out.

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