Chapter 18 Why is this life mine?

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Chapter 18

I looked out in the crowd my parents had already left. I saw a man smile at me then pull something out of his jacket. I couldn't see what it was because of the sun. Then I herd a few terrified shrieks and then I blacked out. While I was out I remembered the first time I met Harry and the first date. I saw my parents in a car crash. Then I saw the future. Or what I thought was the future. I saw a baby girl and boy laying in a crib crying. I saw two hands reach down and scoop the baby up. Then I saw the devilish smile of Parker. The it all mixed to gather and then faded away. When I opened my eye's I saw Kelsey and flashes of her as a baby to a toddler to a tween then to her normal self. They flashed form my friends parents to my real parents. I felt something run down my shoulder. I turned m head and saw the red blood ooze down my arm. I looked and my chest. I could see some blood. Then I released that there was no sound. It was like the hole world was on mute. I looked around me. All my loved one's were there but Harry. Shay, Sam, Jordan, Kelsey, and all my other friends from school, but no Harry. I looked at the worried faces. There was sadness, anger, horridness, terror, and worried. I knew in that instance I was shot. Little by little my sound started to come back.

"Help." A faint voice said.

"We need sone help." I saw Kelsey say alone with lip movements. Her hands moved to my chest and it looked like she was making my heart beat. She started crying. Shay was holding my hand and so was Sam. They were a mess. I looked to me right and saw Niall and the boys on someone or something and punching and beating a guy up. I still couldn't find Harry. I saw the boys fists move up and down people were trying to rip them off but it wasn't working. I looked to my left there was a man running. There he was Harry was running after the guy. I attempted the say Harry.

"Wait what."

"Kelsey." I said.

Kelsey's POV

Natalie made her last wave and smile then I herd a loud BANG. Then Natalie fell to the ground. I shot up and to her. I looked at her she was out. I checked for a pulse.

"NO!" I screamed. I couldn't find one.

"Move." Shay said grabbing her wrist. "GOT IT." She yelled. I looked at Harry and he was after Parker who had dropped the gun. Niall and the boys were beating up the henchmen of Parker.

"Natalie COME ON WAKE UP!" I screamed. I looked at her chest. Her gown was starting to fill up with red. I then saw her eye's flutter open.

"HELP!" I screamed.

"SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!" My mum screamed. I started pumping her chest.

"HELP." I screamed again. Natalie's head moved from side to side looking around like a lost puppy.

"Move girls." A man said. It was a parametric.

"Harry." I herd someone say.


"Kelsey." She gurgled as blood came from her mouth and her eye's fluttered shut.

"She's crashing." One parametric yelled.

"NOOOO! NO!" I screamed. I jumped into the vehicle with the men and Kelsey as they tried to revive her. "Please save her. Please."

"We will do all we can to save her." He said.

We drove to the hospital. When we got there they wheeled her into the hospital. I ran in with them but they stopped me. I watched as they rolled her into the ling intertwining hallway. I watch as they took my best friend away from me.

"Ma'am please come with me." A lady said tearing me away from the small window. I walked to the waiting room. How can they just take her away from me. I might never see her again. Why are they this heartless. I did what they said and sat in the waiting room.

"Kelsey!" I herd an Irish accent fill my ears. I whipped my head around to see Niall.

"Niall!" I cried running to him. He caught me in his arms and held me close.

"I'm so sorry babe I'm so so sorry." He said in my neck.

"Niall I love you and never forget that." I said.

"Never." He replied.

"Kelsey where's Natalie?" Harry asked finally getting here.

"She's in surgery." I said.

"Is she..." He started before Niall hit the back of his head.

"No she isn't dead." I said thinking of Natalie.

"Hey hey don't cry." Niall said hugging me again. We went to the waiting room and sat down. We waited for what seemed like a century until one of the nurses came to update us.

"Hi okay so your friend is still in surgery and when I left they had just gotten her heart started again." She said.

"No this can't be happening." Harry said cupping his head in his hands and then pulling his hair back. I

"Harry everything is going to be okay." Zayn said.

"Harry he's right." Liam said. I looked at Harry and I swear I saw a couple tears roll slowly down his face.

A hour passed and we saw a covered body roll out of the doors. Harry and I were the first to stand up. A different nurse came up to us.

"I'm so sorry. Her hert couldn't take the stress." She said. I froze no this isn't happening no no. She's not dead she;s alive I can feel it. I thought.

"No she can't be I can feel it she's alive." I said shaking my head.

"I'm so sorry."

"NO YOU DIDN'T TRY ENOUGH YOU HAVE TO TRY HARDER." I was about to lunge at her but Niall caught me. "YOU HAVE TO TRY AGAIN. YOOU HAVE TO."

"Kelsey shhhhh." Niall cooed in my ear as he secured me in his chest and held me.

"She can't be gone." I cried harder and harder.

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