Chapter 10 Shot goes off.

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Really long chapter.

Chapter 10

Natalie's POV

I faced the camera toward me.

"Don't freak out." I said.


I resisted a little then showed Kelsey to them.

"Oh my god!"

There was a huge bang then a little shrikes of fright.

"Who is that?" Niall asked.

"Ummm it's uhhhh."

"Is that Kelsey?" I could here the anger and fright in his voice.


"Niall stop that will make it worse."


"NIALL SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND DON'T TALK." I just knew that was one of the girls.

"What are you doing?" I herd Parker ask from the door frame. I froze and foots steps came closer. I couldn't move. My mind was shouting "Put the camera away. Put the camera away."

"Oh I see your showing her off." He said grabbing the pin from my shaking hands.

"Hey boys." He waved. "Niall do you like my work?"

He pointed the camera toward Kelsey. Then pointed it toward me.

"Okay Harry you are looking at my new project. In fact I'm starting right now." He walked to the end of the room and grabbed a chair. He put the camera on a little ledge making sure you could see the scene below.

"Okay ready I think I might need some help." He smiled into the camera. "Rick."

A man with a lot of muscles came in the room shutting the door.

My ear piece was silent. No one was talking. I didn't even hear breathing or movement.

"I think they have a good view don't you?" He asked pushing my hair behind my ear. I shut my eye's and began to let tears fall.

"No. Shhhhhhhhh! Don't cry." He said wrapping his arms around me and not in the protective way Harry did. His hug was more i'm going to kill you kind of hug.

"Yeah don't worry you'll probably black out before the end." Rick smiled.

"Thanks." I sassed him. Oh nice Natalie.

"Hey." Parker said taring me away from him. He shoved me to the ground.

"So Parker what are you going to do?" Rick asked.

"Rick. We don't tell what we do." Parker said turning to him

I looked around for something to protect my self with. Nothing. I turned to look at the chair in the corner when I felt my hair rise followed by pain. Parker dragged me up by my hair. I yelped and stood up. He then punched my gut. Then my face. Then my face again. Rick was right I think I'm going to black out my vision is starting to get blurry. I felt the ground. Then herd a ear shattering scream. Blackness over came me before anything else happened.

Kelsey's POV

Rick had put a rope around my hands and connected it to this medal rack stuck in the wall. I pulled on it a couple times but nothing worked.

"If you let out a single word I will hurt you." Rick whispered in my ear. At this point I was balling my eye's out.

I could tell Natalie was scared. Who wouldn't be. When Parker hit her for the first time she was about to black out. When he hit her in the face I remembered the time he made Rick beat me. Then he hit her a second time and she crashed to the down. I let out a scream as her body stopped shaking and moving. He nudged her with his foot. Then looked back at me and smiled. I knew he was going to kick her.

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