Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Wait he's still alive!" I said with a creak in my voice.

"This is so strange how did I..." She didn't finish. I ran to hi side. I stared at him with wide eyes. His nose wrinkle and my eyes watered and I smiled.

"He's still alive." Kelsey smiled.

"Harry I love you." I smiled and I couldn't help but let a little giggle escape my lips.

We waited a couple hours until Harry woke up. When he did I never left.

Harry's POV

"Nat." I crocked. Looking around the room with blurred eyes.

"Harry?" A faint voice yelled. I was far and my vision was still blurred.

"Natalie?" I yelled back.

"HARRY!" She screamed as a huge wait collapsed on my chest.

"Harry never leave me again." She said. My vision cleared and I saw her face. I saw her beautiful face.

"Natalie I love you." I smirked.

"I love you too." She giggled and hugged me. We shared a long hug and then I saw the boys and we talked for a while. It was good to hear all their voices.

"Harry what happened to you?" Natalie asked. All eyes were on me.

"Was it Parker?" Niall asked.

"Yeah he wasn't happy with me and he threw a few punches but I-I-I ummm I-I-I killed him." I admitted.

"WHAT!" They all screamed.

"He said I was a brat of a kid and I needed to leave. He said I should pay." I explained.

"But Harry you can't just kill him." Natalie said sitting on my bed. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer.

"He said that I needed to be with my mum and dad again." I said looking down.

"Harry it not okay you'll have to go to trial. You could go to jail." Niall yelled.

"But he's tried to kill you guys so its actually in defense." I argued.

"Yeah but still." Kelsey said.

"Harry this Is big!" Liam warned.

"BUT, we will eat threw it." Natalie reassured.

Well I guess it can't hurt to try.


Sorry this is SUCH a sort chapter but I have a lot going on this summer. Can't wait to write more. Comment vote and read

Love ya

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