Chapter 13 - Lo'ak

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I watched as Ao'nung walked up to us. He looked very smug. Too smug. I didn't like it at all.

"Hey guys!" Ao'nung said looking at us all. Well looking at his family not so much us.

"Ao that was sick dude!" Rotxo held up his hand to high-five Ao'nung and I just rolled my eyes. A pair of legs walked past me and I looked up to see Tsireya going to her brother smiling at him. 

"Brother I'm so happy for you! You did so well out there!"

"Thanks Reya!" Ao'nung smiled down at his sister and I just walked over to my family watching these new people in our lives talk and laugh among themselves. I felt so out of place here.

We were back at home now and I was just laying in my bed scrolling on tiktok liking the occasional video. It was around 5pm and mama had told us that we were going to the pub for dinner or maybe it was the restaurant next to the bar? Or in the bar? I didn't remember but mama had told up to dress nicely for this so I got out of tiktok and text my brother. 

[Me] Hey bro can you come help me with my outfit for tonight pleaseeeeeee

[Neteyam🤒] You haven't got ready yet? Mama is going to kill you.

[Me] Yeah so thats why I need help!!

[Neteyam🤒] Ok ok I'm coming I'm coming.

I put my phone away and went over to my closet taking out clothes while wait for Neteyam who came in about a minute later.

"Ok so what did you need help with again?" 

"Can you help me pick a outfit! Mama said that the other families are coming as well! I don't want to look absolutly shit!"

A voice could be heard from down the hall and I recognised it as mamas.

"Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan taal!"

"Sorry mama!"

I look back at Neteyam with pleading eyes.

"You wanna impress Tsireya don't you."
"What? No! Of course not!"
"Sure~" Neteyam went to my closet and looked at all my clothes with a disgusted look on his face.

"Oh come on they're not that bad!"

"Yeah no. My room, my clothes Tsireya will like them much more brother."

"Fine! Hurry!" 

I rush out of my own room and it my brothers before mama could catch a glimpse of me. Neteyam however was taking his sweet old time. It annoyed the hell outta me. 

"Neteyam! Hurry up!!"

"Yeah calm down or I will get Kiri in here so she can give you some breathing tips while I get your outfit."

"Ok fine but can you please hurry."

I went a sat on Neteyams bed while he went to his closet grabbing out somethings. I knew I had no choice in this now.

After about 5 minutes that felt more like 5 days Neteyam came out with a pair of black shorts made out of a kind of soft wool material and a brown button up shirt paired with white socks and a gold colored watch and silver chain necklace.

I quickly thanked him and went to my own room to put the clothes on leaving the top 2 buttons undone. I still had a couple minutes spare so I quickly did my hair and put a little charm that Tuk made me on the necklace.

Mama called us all down and when I walked outside I found Tuk standing there in a long flowing white skirt, a black shirt with some kind of skull on it and converse. I could tell she had gone to Kiri for help.

We walked downstairs together and were greeted by Kiri wearing a similar thing as Tuk but her skirt was more of a darker white color and she had a green crop top on with a white button up long sleeve baggy kind of top on.

"Neteyam and Dad have already left and Mama is waiting outside! Come on!"

Kiri was urging us outside and Tuk and I quickly went after her. Walking through the door I could see lights coming from the Metkyina house and looked over at Mama who was waiting impatiently. 

"Kids let's go come on!" 

Mama went through the gate and walked over to the Metkyina house I was a bit behind making sure I was looking good. I then noticed Tuk staring at me with a amused look on her face. 


Tuk just giggled and off. What a little bi- I mean lovely little child who I love so much. 

I got to the house where Tsireya was standing at the door welcoming in my family. She looked absolutly beautiful. She was wearing a long denim skirt that had a slit. She looked really good in it. She also had a white crop top singlet kind of thing that i thought went really well with the skirt. Eywa she looked amazing in that. She had some silver bracelets on and a necklace on which suited her very much. 

"Lo'ak hello!" Was her voice always that angelic? I waved smiling walking up to her. 

"Hey Tsireya!"

"Call me Reya please it is easier to say after all!" Her eyes were bright, or was that just the lighting? Whatever it was it really made the blue in her eyes pop. I noticed how they went from a light blue color in the middle to a darker kind of blue in the outskirts. 

"Well are you coming in?" Reya smiled giggling slightly. I think she noticed me looking at her eyes. Oh Eywa how embarrassing! 

"Oh right yeah of course!" I walked inside and waited for Reya to walk in after me before we both went to the dining room. I noticed Neteyam was sitting next to Ao'nung. How annoying. I didn't want my brother anywhere near that guy. 

I noticed how Neteyam had changed his clothes. He had gone from his comfy home clothes to a pair of what seemed to be beige or light brown who knew kind of pants. He had a white shirt with a brown hoodie kind of thing over top. I had no idea what it was called. And he had some rings and a necklace on. Of course he did.

Reya lead me over to the table and we sat down opposite Ao'nung and Neteyam. I had Rotxo on my right with Reya on my left where she had Tuk on her left. The parents were in the kitchen talking and us kids were sitting there kind of awkwardly. 

"Hey how about we play a game! Dinner isn't supposed to be ready until like an hour so we have time." Neteyam broke the silence and everyone agreed with him then began thinking of what game to play.

"We have board games!" Reya got up motioning for us to follow her which we did. She took us into a lounge and went to the set of drawers sitting in the corner with a rather large TV sitting on top of them. 

"So we have Monopoly"

"No! Definity not. Neteyam and Lo'ak get too competitive in that game and it turns into a crazy mess!" I glared over at Kiri who had just outed me and Neteyam to these people. However Neteyam just laughed and so did Reya. 

"Ok so not that.. we have.." Reya trailed off looking at all the games they had. I looked over her shoulder and holy mother of Eywa they had heaps! 

"Aha! We have Family Feud! Do you all know how to play?" 

"What like the TV show?" I looked at the game curiously. I had seen this show when I was younger. I had no idea they made a board game out of it.

"Exactly like the TV show!" Reya smiled and Ao'nung left the room with Neteyam after whispering something to his sister and my brother. Where were they going? 

"Ok so you all know how to play then? I'll be the host! We will have it obviously families but Rotxo and Kai will be with Ao'nung." Neteyam and Ao'nung came back in with 2 long kind of tables and 2 little buttons which I guessed were the buzzers. 

"Ok lets begin!"


Yay! Done another chapter! Sorry it took so long! BUT HAPPY NEW YEAR YALL and if your reading this when its not New Year well Happy whatever day it is!! But next chapter I have no clue who it is gonna be so yeah- guess you will just have to wait and find out! Bye bye now!

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