Union of American Continents

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(A/n: This is my version of America in the 'modern world'. This nation was created in combination of a few other military factions before my old account was deleted. The military arsenal will have a mixed crossover between COD: AW, Battlefield, Halo, Avatar, and Endwar.)


History: The UAC was once called the American Defense Alliance (ADA) that was formed due to the worst events that happened to humanity. It was created in response to the near economic, military, and governmental collapse of the continents of North, Central, and South America. Due to the chaos and destruction caused by the Civil Wars and WW3 that happened in the three continents, the surviving civilian and military governments came together in order to make plans to save themselves. In an unprecedented display of unity, it was agreed upon that the only way to survive was to unite together into a single country. Thus, the continents of North, Central, and South America would band together, forming the Union of American Continents.

With the birth of the UAC came a massive change in global politics. Being the biggest nation on the planet and the resources at its disposal, the UAC became a major hyperpower that was able to develop technologies that delved deep into science fiction. However, its formation did come without the loss of human life. Revolutions and civils wars were fought in order to root out racism and corruption from within the system in order to protect the people from themselves and each other. Although the measures were harsh and brutal, it was all worth it in the end as the UAC became the embodiment of what America should've been since the days of the Founding Fathers: A Land of the Free and A Land of Equality.

Furthermore, the UAC was finally able to meld relations and end hostilities with its former adversaries and enemies. Nations like Russia, China, the Middle East, Africa, and other nations were now allies to the UAC due to the fact that people from both sides were sick and tired of the many wars, violence, racism, etc. that plagued the world. Soon it became one of the founding members of a new organization called the United Federation of Nations, a far better, more effective, and noncorrupt version of the UN, helping to make the world a better place.

In present day, the USC is celebrating the 4th of July in remembrance of America's Independence Day.


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