United Nations

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History: In the eyes of the public, the United Nations is a peacekeeping organization to prevent wars from happening like World War 2 and ensure world peace. In truth, however, the UN is actually a military organization dedicated to protecting humanity from both supernatural and extraterrestrial threats. Founded in the aftermath of WW2 when Adolf Hitler tried to unleash a demonic zombie apocalypse by failed thanks to the combined might of multiple supernatural paramilitary organizations. When the Axis Powers were defeated, the UN was created through the intervention of the Archangel Angelo and the Templar Order. After explaining about the origins of the Supernatural and the threat they posed, the world leaders were forced to put aside their differences and unite together, forging the United Nations.

Of course, the organization was anything but perfect as there was the still ongoing Cold War between the USA and USSR. However, the appearance of two terrorist organizations called the White American Purists (WAP) and Ultranationalist Soviet League (USL) have forced the two superpowers to work together, leading to the NATO-Warsaw Alliance. After defeating the two terrorist organizations and the end of the Cold War, the member nations of the UN had finally banded together and signed the 'Articles of Consolidation', leading to the formation of the United Nations Defense Force (UNDF).

With their supernatural paramilitary organizations united under a single banner, the UN had waged a secret war against both Supernatural and Extraterrestrial threats while also making allies along the way. Despite their mission objectives, the UN had employed their own Supernatural and Extraterrestrial soldiers onto the battlefield, allowing for humanity's chances of survival to skyrocket. Thanks to help from the Templar Order, specifically the Da'at Yichud Organization, the UN was able to create the necessary military technology to fight against these powerful entities.

Their biggest test was during the Biblical Apocalypse when Lucifer and Hell's Legions rose up and decimated the planet Earth. The casualties were in the billions, yet the UN survived due to winning the 'Battle of Jerusalem' when the second coming of the Biblical Messiah, Neo Angelo, defeated the Anti-Christ known as Lilium Edmon. With the killing of the Anti-Christ and the defeat of Lucifer, Hell's Legions were decimated, and both the UN and Heaven had finally won the war against their demonic foes. Mass rebuilding was done, and more battles/wars were fought, but humanity would continue to survive.

Especially when they made powerful allies along the way, such as forging an alliance with an alternate version of humanity where the Central Powers had WON WW1. Dubbed as the Kaiserreich Earth, the two humanities have become strong allies, working together to ensure the survival of their species against hostile entities throughout creation.

It was during the 'Final Conflict' where the UN would face its final test as God, Asherah, and their creations waged a final war against Amara/The Darkness and her armies of the Ogdru Jahad (Outer Gods) and Ogdru Hem (Great Old Ones). After a tenacious and brutal war, humanity and their allies had finally won when both God and Asherah made peace with Amara and together, they unified into a single being before giving all their power to Neo Angelo, who now became the supreme being of both Heaven and ALL of creation. Thanks to Neo, balance, order, and harmony were restored between light and darkness, allowing the UN to survive once again as the troubles they have faced for the past decades were now finally over.

Now in present day, the United Nations stands as a beacon of Hope, ready to fight against the forces of Evil wherever they may lie.

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