UN Timeline Part 2

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(A/N: This talks about the birth of humanity and the birth of religion. There will be somethings that will either be different or changed from our history books. Please don't take this seriously as its only meant to be apart of the story.)


45,000,000,000 BC: CREATION OF HEAVEN

-After creating the Powers, God began to manipulate the void to create a new home for both his wife and his children. Once the realm was finished, this new home would be called Heaven.

-Structures were made and the Powers, despite being Warriors from birth, helped forge their new home

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-Structures were made and the Powers, despite being Warriors from birth, helped forge their new home.

-While the Archangels took charge, it was Angelo who took charge the development of Heaven. This greatly impressed his older siblings, seeing him take charge like a leader.

40,000,000,000 BC

(A/N: Idea belongs to WWIIFanHistory.)

-During a family dinner, God, Asherah, the Archangels, and Angels noticed that their brother, Osman, was absentmindedly playing with his food, wearing a pensive and sad expression. This raised concern among everyone since Osman was usually the most cheerful child in the family. God asked His son if he was feeling alright, which snapped Osman out of his thoughts. He gave his Father a forced smile, assuring Him that he was fine and just had something on his mind. However, this did not ease everyone's worries, and even Angelo expressed concern for his older brother. Lucifer, being Osman's eldest brother and best friend, asked him about the reason behind his melancholic appearance. With everyone giving him concerned looks, Osman sighed, realizing that he had no choice but to share what had been troubling him with his family.

-Osman admitted that he felt out of place and envious of Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel, which puzzled the entire family. Osman explained that he was the only child Archangel in the family, while his siblings were all adults. Upon hearing this, the Angelic family understood why Osman felt that way, but they were still confused. Angelo asked why Osman envied Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel, piquing Lucifer's curiosity about his little brother's feelings toward those four. Osman let out a sigh and revealed his desire to have a twin sibling, perhaps a sister. This revelation elicited an "Oh~!" from the family as they now grasped the reason behind Osman's jealousy. He longed for the experience of having a twin sibling like his Archangel brothers.

-Upon hearing their son's troubles, God and Asherah reassured Osman that they could help him with his problem by creating another Archangel, a twin sister who would be a child like him. This news excited the Archangels and Angels, including Angelo, who were curious about the new addition to the family. However, to everyone's shock and surprise, Osman gently and kindly declined his parents' offer. When asked why he declined, Osman calmly explained that even if God and Asherah were to create a twin sister Archangel for him, it wouldn't change the underlying issue. The family already had too many siblings, and adding a sister would only place her at the bottom of the family hierarchy. Osman desired a twin sister who would be his equal. He expressed, "I want a sister who doesn't feel like she's overshadowed by being my twin, but rather someone who joins our family as an equal member. I don't want her to suddenly become the oldest sibling and feel out of place. It just doesn't feel right to me."

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