Titanfall Timeline

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(A/N: This timeline is like a crossover between three video games series which are Titanfall, Killzone, and Vanquish. You'll know when you see the arsenal.)


2055 - 2059: WORLD WAR III

-A shortage of oil triggers a global meltdown as nations fight for control of scarce resources. What starts as a limited strategic release of nuclear weapons snowballs into a bitter exchange of warheads aimed at civilian population centers. When the dust clears it becomes evident that a new way will have to be found to survive and to secure the raw materials needed for society to continue.


-Heinrich Hammond is born on Earth.


-Earth's richest companies and governments formed an international coalition which unites humanity into a single world government called the Unified Earth Government.

-Earth's richest companies and governments formed an international coalition which unites humanity into a single world government called the Unified Earth Government

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-With Earth's natural resources depleted, and humanity's survival at stake, the UEG begin planning to colonize the outlying planets. The process of building and deploying ships will take upwards of 30 years.

-As it's in the UEG's best interest to support privatization for the sake of finance, they also allow other companies/governments to fund their own colonization projects, but under the strictures of the global (UEG) owners. Some immensely wealthy companies are also able to finance their own colonization.

-The UEG issued licenses to pursue colonization projects under strict criteria. Violation of these rules is considered a very serious infraction ranging from economic penalty to even military action as a last resort.


-Sheffield's Asteroid impacts St. Louis, Missouri. Heinrich Hammond survives exposure to a powerful unknown element inside it.


-Heinrich Hammond founds Hammond Engineering.


-Heinrich Hammond founds Hammond Robotics.

-Heinrich Hammond founds Hammond Robotics

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