Imperial Confederation Club

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(A/N: Story idea belonging to WWIIFanHistory. Thank him for making this.)


Name: Imperial Confederation Club

Aliases: Kaiserliche Bundeshalle (Imperial Confederation Hall), The Kaiserliches

Info: The Imperial Confederation Club, also known as the Kaiserliche Bundeshalle (Imperial Confederation Hall) or simply the Kaiserliches, is a unique club comprised of Emperors, Empresses, and Royalties, aristocrats, and nobility members, along with representative politicians, scholars, senators, economists, and others who support the rulers of the German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Qing Empire, and Empire of Japan. The club was founded by Friedrich IV, the Kaiser of the Deutsches Kaiserreich and the older cousin of Neo Angelo, and Armina von Hohenzollern, the Third Prinzessin of Prussia, Third Prinzessin of the Deutsches Kaiserreich, and the older cousin of Neo Angelo. The two Angelic siblings formed the club with the purpose and goal of safeguarding the German Empire and its allies, who are the only surviving empire allies. They aim to maintain and expand their spheres of influence. The club prioritizes the interests of their respective empires and the people while maintaining a good relationship with the United Nations.

The German Empire serves as a pragmatic powerhouse in the fields of politics, economics, and the military, leveraging its industrial and economic might to shape policies and negotiations. With the ideology of pragmatic nationalism, emphasizing German cultural and industrial supremacy, efficiency, meritocracy, technological progress, and Prussian militarism, the Germans are meticulous in their attention to detail and focus on efficiency, often seeking to streamline processes and find optimal solutions that are deemed pragmatic and efficient, leveraging their economic and industrial might to influence policies. The Deutsches Kaiserreich has dominant economic power, drives industrial and technological progress, a highly disciplined and technologically advanced armed forces of the Wehrmacht, and is a leading nation in fields like engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, space, and nuclear technology. It is not surprising that the German Empire is considered the nation armed with high and advanced weapons, possessed numerous tactical nuclear and WMDs, making them the strongest nation and the first powerhouse, above the Russian Empire and Empire of Japan.

On the other hand, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a nation with the closest and best relationship with the German Empire since its birth, acts as a diplomatic mediator, drawing upon its diverse cultural background to bridge gaps and find compromise in order to maintain a formal, aristocratic demeanor, with representatives emphasizing protocol and tradition. Being an empire with dynastic conservatism, preserving the traditional structure of the multi-ethnic empire ruled by the Habsburgs, believing in hierarchy, social stability, cultural pluralism, and diplomatic finesse, the Austro-Hungarian Empire approaches diplomacy as a mediator, emphasizing tradition and protocol. With a diverse economic base, leveraging regional trade networks, the Empire advances in fields like medicine, architecture, and materials science, as well as maintaining a balanced military, emphasizing combined-arms operations.

The Russian Empire exerts geopolitical influence, using its vast territory and resources as leverage in international discussions, so that they can oscillate between assertiveness and unpredictability, keeping other nations on their toes. By asserting geopolitical influence through its vast territory and resources, relying on natural resources and raw materials as economic leverage, and with a massive army with the ability to project power across its vast territory and colonies, the Russian Empire is the second powerhouse, along with the ideology of autocratic nationalism, centered around the divine right of the Tsar and the Romanovs, believing in their geopolitical expansion, Orthodox Christian values, and the suppression of dissents. Now, the Russians are the pioneers working in areas like space exploration and nuclear technology.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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