UNDF Technologies and Materials

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Artificial Intelligence: A.I.'s are created as programs that inhabit the digital world. They are created through digital data and bits. They can, however, take on a humanoid form but are also holographic. They mostly are in service by the UN Navy on their ships. However, they are also utilized in ground combat by Commandos and Phantoms to assist them in multiple operations.

 However, they are also utilized in ground combat by Commandos and Phantoms to assist them in multiple operations

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Honorarium: This is a special type of metal created by the UN. It is super light, easy to make, and is extremely durable than any metal on earth. It is considered the 4th strongest metal in earth, with Empyrean Steel being 3rd. The metals are also blessed and anointed by the Vatican, Church, and the Angels so they can be effective against demons. However, they have also been proven to be effective at killing monsters from different mythologies and can kill them permanently. It has also proven to be resilient against energy, particle, and plasma-based weaponry.

 It has also proven to be resilient against energy, particle, and plasma-based weaponry

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Plasnergy Shields: Asgard shields create an elliptical 'bubble' around the spaceship they are equipped to, which absorbs and diffuses the energy from weapons fire. When hit with weapons fire, Asgard shields have a distinctive bluish color and an effect similar to that of boiling water or mist dissipating the energy. This shield matrix will gradually degrade under fire (rather quickly under sustained bombardment, but only if the shield is attacked by powerful weapons), resulting in more and more energy from attacks bleeding through and causing damage to the ship. However, as pointed out, the weapons impacting the shield must be quite powerful, otherwise the shields will hold even under sustained fire.

 However, as pointed out, the weapons impacting the shield must be quite powerful, otherwise the shields will hold even under sustained fire

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